Adding a Salesforce App


Add an app so that you can perform backup and restore operations on your Salesforce data. A SQL database is required when you add an app because the database is needed for Salesforce restores.


If you are an MSP and you want your tenant administrators to create the Salesforce app, see Managed Server Provider Configuration.

Before You Begin

  • Add a Connected App in Salesforce. You must have the Salesforce consumer key and the Salesforce consumer secret that are generated when you add the connected app.

  • Decide if you want to connect to Salesforce with OAuth or with a user name and password. If you connect with OAuth, you will provide the Salesforce consumer key and the Salesforce consumer secret, and then log on to Salesforce. If your Salesforce org is configured to use SSO as the user login method, and SSO is the only method used, you must use OAuth authentication. If you use OAuth, the port that must be open between the Web Server and the Salesforce Cloud is 443 (one way).

  • Review the requirements for the Microsoft SQL server database or the PostgreSQL database, and then verify that you have the following database information:

    • The type of database

    • The client that hosts the database. The access node is able to connect to the database instance using JDBC URL.

    • The database name

    • The credentials for a user who meets the access requirements


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Applications > Salesforce.

    The Salesforce page appears.

  2. Click Add app.

    The Add Salesforce organization page appears.

  3. In the Configure app section, enter the following information:

    1. In the Name box, enter a name for the specific Salesforce organization.

    2. From the Plan list, select a server plan.

  4. Under Infrastructure setting, enter the access node and database information:

    1. From the Access node list, select an access node.

      Servers that have the Cloud app package installed can act as access nodes. Select a server group as the access node to automatically find an online node to use for Salesforce backups and restores.

    2. In the Download cache path box, enter a path on the access node where data downloaded from Salesforce can be temporarily stored.

    3. From the Database type list, select the database type.

    4. In the Database host box, enter the client that hosts the database.

    5. In the Database name box, enter the database name.

    6. In the Database port box, enter the port that you use to connect to the database.

    7. In the User name and Password boxes, enter the credentials for a user who has permissions for the database.

    8. To test the connection to the database, click Test connection.

  5. Under Salesforce account details, enter the account information:

    1. From the Environment list, select one of the following:

      • Sandbox

      • Production

  6. Next to Connection details, select the credentials to use to connect to Salesforce:

    Connection type


    OAuth: OAuth credentials are the Salesforce consumer key and the Salesforce consumer secret. The credentials are stored in the Credential Manager so that they can be reused.

    1. Click OAuth.

    2. Use existing credentials or add new credentials:

      • To use existing credentials, from the Connected app credentials list, select the credentials.

      • To add a new consumer key and consumer secret, do the following:

        1. From the Connected app credentials list, click Create new.

          The Add credential dialog box appears.

        2. Add the information for the credentials, and then click Save.

          The credentials are saved in the Credential Manager.

        3. From the Connected app credentials list, select the credentials.

    3. Click Login with Salesforce.

    Password authentication

    1. Click Password authentication.

    2. In the Salesforce login URL box, enter the URL that you use to connect to Salesforce.

    3. In the User name box and Password boxes, enter the user credentials that you use to connect to Salesforce.

    4. Optional: In the API token box, enter the token that you use to connect to Salesforce.

      Salesforce sends the API token the first time that you sign in to your account. For additional information about Salesforce tokens, go to "Reset Your Security Token" on the Salesforce help site.

    5. In the Consumer key box, enter the consumer key.

    6. In the Consumer secret box, enter the consumer secret.

  7. Click Save.