Branding Your Console


You can customize the CommCell Console to use your organization's logos and images.

Consoles are Customized Together

When you customize the CommCell Console, you also update the logos and images in Web Console, Command Center, and Compliance Search. If you do not want custom images on the other consoles, you must change the Command Center and Compliance Search images back, separately.

When you customize the Command Center, you also update the logos and images in Web Console. You cannot customize Web Console logos separately from Command Center or CommCell Console. If you want to customize the other consoles separately, see the appropriate topic:


The following steps describe the process to brand your consoles:

Step 1: Upload Your Images to the Cloud Services Portal

  1. Go to the Brand Your Console page on the Cloud Services Portal.

  2. On the Brand Your Console page, click the button for your Commvault version to download the default console images.


    You need the default console images so that you can replace them with your images.

  3. Extract the downloaded zip file to your computer.

  4. Replace the images contained in the downloaded folder with your organization's images.

    Important: The image resolution, dimensions, file name, format, and folder structure must remain the same as the downloaded files. For more information on the dimensions and format of the images, see CommCell Console Image Specifications for Branding.

  5. Compress the folder that contains the images that you replaced.

  6. To upload your images to the Cloud for further processing, on the Brand Your Console page, enter your organization's name, software version, and attach the image files:

    1. In the Company box, type the name of your organization.

    2. In the Version box, select the Commvault version that you use.

    3. In the Also notify box, you can specify the email address of users that you want to notify.

    4. Click Choose File and select the compressed file that contains your images.

    5. Click Upload Now.

    When your images have been processed, you will receive an e-mail with further instructions.

Step 2: Replace Commvault Images With Your Images

  1. After you receive the email with an attached zip file, save the zip file on the CommServe computer and on any other client computer where the CommCell Console or Web Console is installed.

  2. Extract the zip file.

  3. Copy the images on each computer where the CommCell Console is installed:

    1. From the extracted folder, locate the custombrandimages.jar file and copy it to the Software_Installation_Directory\GUI folder.

    2. Go to the extracted_folder\GUI\Web\101 folder, and then copy the images to the Software_Installation_Directory\GUI\Web\101\images folder.

Step 3: Notify the CommServe Database About the New Images

Replace the occurrences of the string your_company_name with the company name that you want to display in the console. The name can include spaces.

  1. On the CommServe computer, run the following SQL query on the CommServe database:

    DECLARE @currentTime INTEGER
    SET @currentTime = dbo.GetUnixTime(GetUTCDate())
    -- 1) update simMiniBrand table
    IF not exists (select * from simMiniBrand where miniBrandId = 101 and oemId = 1)
    INSERT INTO simMiniBrand (miniBrandId, oemId, name)
            VALUES(101, 1, 'your_company_name')
    UPDATE simMiniBrand SET name = 'your_company_name' WHERE miniBrandId = 101 
    -- 2) insert into GXGlobalParam table
    IF not exists (select * from GXGlobalParam where name = 'MiniBrandId')
    INSERT INTO GXGlobalParam (name, value, created, modified)
            VALUES('MiniBrandId', '101', @currentTime, 0)
    UPDATE GXGlobalParam SET value = '101' WHERE name = 'MiniBrandId'
  2. From the Software_Installation_Directory/GUI folder, open the file and change the value of the id parameter to 101.


All the consoles now display the logo of your organization.