Customizing Branding Files in an Existing Instance


You can customize the branding images and names after an installation is complete (that is, in an existing instance) to match your company name and images.

Before You Begin

Change the branding settings for the consoles on your multi-tenant commcell environment. For more information, see Branding Your Consoles.


  1. Update the OEMInfo.xml file found on the CommServe server of the installed instance (Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\OEM). Open the file in an appropriate editor, and update one or more of the XML parameters listed in the following table:




    Color of the banner of the Edge Monitor application.


    Button text color of the Edge Monitor application.


    The name of your company.


    The name of your company product.

    The product name is also used as the name of the installation wizard. This is the name you will see on the welcome page of the wizard.


    The name of the software to be installed. The software name may be the same as the product name.


    The edition name for your software.


    The name of the Company folder.

    The Company folder is part of the installation directory where the software installed. By default, the software is installed in the C:\Program Files\Company\Software directory.


    The name of the Software folder.

    The Software folder is part of the installation directory where the software installed. This is the subfolder of the Company folder.


    Name to be used by the SQL Server instance that is created during the CommServe installation.


    The OEM ID for your company. Change the OEM ID to 101.


    Text color of the Edge Monitor application.

  2. Create the following branding images with the required specifications:

    • EdgeDrive.ico: Icon that appears when you link Edge Drive.

    • EdgeDriveCloud.ico: Icon that appears for Edge Drive Cloud when you link Edge Drive. Required dimension: 32x 32. Used as informational image.

    • EdgeDriveOffline.ico: Icon that appears for offline Edge Drive when you link Edge Drive. Required dimension: 32x 32. Used as informational image.

    • EdgeMonitor.ico: Icon to be used by the Edge Monitor tool for Laptop Backup.

    • EdgeMonitorError.ico: Icon that appears on the error message in the Edge Monitor tool for Laptop Backup.

    • EdgeMonitorRunning.ico: Icon that appears when the a job is running on the Edge Monitor tool for Laptop Backup.

    • GxSplash.gif: Icon that appears when you load the Process Manager application. Required dimension: 232 x 140.

    • OEMIcon.ico: Icon to be used by the Commvault software in general. This icon may be the same as the Edge Monitor icon.

    • OEMImage.bmp: Image to be used by the installation wizard. Required dimension: 125 x 29.

    • OEMImage.png: Image to be used by the installation wizard. Required dimension: 125 x 29.

    • OEMLogoImage.png: Logo to be used by the installation wizard. Required dimension: 474 x 106.

    • ProcessManager.ico: Icon to be used by the Process Manager application.


      To create an icon (.ico) file, create a .png image with dimensions of 1024 x 1024 pixels, and then convert the image to an icon file using an appropriate tool. The icon file should include the image in 32 x 32 pixels, 64 x 64 pixels, 128 x 128 pixels, and 256 x 256 pixels.

  3. Stop the Commvault services on the installed instance.

  4. Copy the branding images to the Install_Directory\Base\OEM folder.

  5. Rebuid the icon cache to reflect the new images for the installed instance by opening the command prompt in administrator mode and then doing the following:

    1. Run the following command to navigate to the icon cache database location:

      cd %homepath%\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
    2. Run the following command to verify that the icon cache database files are in the correct location:

      dir iconcache*

      The output of the command should list database files similar to the following:

      • iconcache_1280.db

      • iconcache_16.db

    3. Run the following command to stop File Explorer:

      taskkill /f /im explorer.exe


      After you stop File Explorer, your desktop background and taskbar will disappear, leaving a black screen. This is only temporary.

    4. Run the following command to delete the iconcache files:

      del iconcache*
    5. Run the following command to start File Explorer:

  6. Restart the Commvault services on the installed instance.