New Features for Activate in 11.23

Archive Files in File Storage Optimization

Discover, analyze, and archive files from your file servers by using the File Storage Optimization dashboards.

For more information, see Archiving Files.

Configure File Content Indexing for eDiscovery

In the Command Center, configure data classification plans to content index files in the eDiscovery solution. To automatically run the content indexing job, add a schedule to the data classification plan. After data is indexed, you can search the contents of files in Compliance Search and add files to a case in Case Manager.

For more information, see Content Indexing Files.

Identify Types of Documents Using a Classification Model

You can create and train classification models to recognize when documents are a certain type of document. To train a model, upload files that are good representations of the type of documents that you want to classify.

For more information, see Classifier Manager.

Load Balancing Index Server Nodes

To improve the performance of the Index Server, you can run the load balancing operation to balance indexes across multiple nodes on an Index Server.

For more information, see Load Balancing Index Server Nodes.
