New Features for Virtualization in 11.23

Common Virtual Server Agent Framework

NTFS Live Browse for Restores Using a Linux MediaAgent

You can use live browse to view and restore VM data on NTFS volumes using a Linux access node/MediaAgent.

For more information, see NTFS Live Browse for Restores Using a Linux MediaAgent.

Amazon Web Services

General Purpose SSD (gp3) Volume Type Support for Amazon

When you restore an Amazon instance from a backup, you can specify the general purpose SSD (gp3) volume type for the recovery target.

For more information, see Recovery Target Options for Amazon.

Indexing Version 2 for Amazon Hypervisors

Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon supports VM-centric backup and restore operations using Indexing Version 2. For a new Commvault deployment with Feature Release 23 or more recent feature releases, Indexing Version 2 is enabled by default, and a new Amazon hypervisor automatically uses Indexing Version 2. For an existing Commvault deployment that has no Amazon hypervisors, a new Amazon hypervisor automatically uses Indexing Version 2. For an existing deployment that has existing Amazon hypervisors, a new Amazon hypervisor uses Indexing Version 1 only.

For more information, see VM-Centric Operations in Command Center.

AWS Snapshot Creation Inherits Tags

The AWS snapshots created during backups inherit all pre-existing AWS tags on the backed up resources such as EBS volumes and RDS instances. This is useful in environments where automated snapshot management or cleanup operations are implemented and require a specific organizational tagging policy to be applied.

For more information, see the following topics:


Back Up and Restore Disks Encrypted at Host

You can back up and restore Azure managed disks that are enabled with encryption at host.

For more information, see the following topics:

Specify the Availability Zone for the Restored VM

For Azure managed disks, you can specify the Availability Zone for the restored VM in full VM restore, replication and conversion operations.

This feature further enables a user to manage their high availability environment.

For more information, see the following topics:


Restore a Virtual Machine with Live Recovery

Use the Live Recovery feature to recover virtual machines (VMs) and configure them to power on from a backup without waiting for a full restore of the VM.

For more information, see Live Recovery of Virtual Machines for Hyper-V.

Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV)

Performance Enhancement for Agentless Restore

Commvault has been updated to improve the performance of Nutanix AHV agentless restore operations.

You can use agentless restores to restore small files and folders into a virtual machine (VM) without installing an agent on the destination server. Agentless restores simplify deployment and reduce the impact of backup and restore operations for virtual machines that do not have high transaction rates and large data requirements.

For more information, see Agentless Restores for Nutanix AHV.

VMware Cloud Director

Define a Rule using VMware Cloud Director VM Metadata

When you define content or filters for a VM group, you can define a rule using VM Metadata tags to automatically select VMs that meet specific criteria.

For more information, see Adding a VM Group for VMware Cloud Director.

For Out-of-Place Restores, Select a Storage Policy for the Restored VM

When you perform an out-of-place restore, you can select the storage policy for the restored VM.

When you select from the list of available storage policies, Commvault will choose the datastore in that storage policy with the maximum free space.

For more information, see Restoring Full Virtual Machines for vCloud.

Virtual Server Agent Supports VMware Cloud Director 10.2

For VMware Cloud Director hypervisors, you can back up and restore virtual machines that run in VMware Cloud Director 10.2.

This support is available for Feature Release 23 and more recent feature releases.

For more information, see VMware Cloud Director: System Requirements.


Performance Enhancement for Agentless Restore

Commvault has been updated to improve the performance of VMware agentless restore operations.

You can use agentless restores to restore small files and folders into a virtual machine (VM) without installing an agent on the destination server. Agentless restores simplify deployment and reduce the impact of backup and restore operations for virtual machines that do not have high transaction rates and large data requirements.

For more information, see Agentless Restores for VMware.

Virtual Machine Conversion (Cross-Hypervisor Restores)

Convert Instances from Amazon to Google Cloud Platform

When you restore an Amazon instance from a backup, you can restore it as a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) virtual machine.

For more information, see Converting to Google Cloud Platform.

Convert Virtual Machines from Azure Stack Hub to Azure

When you restore an Azure Stack Hub virtual machine (VM) from backup, you can restore the VM as an Azure VM in the Azure management portal.

For more information, see the following:

Convert Virtual Machines from Nutanix AHV to VMware

When you restore a Nutanix AHV virtual machine (VM) from a backup, you can restore it as a VMware VM.

For more information, see the following:
