Recovery Target Options for Amazon

When you configure a recovery target for Amazon, provide Amazon-specific values for the destination site.

  • Select vendor: Select Amazon.

  • Application type: Leave Replication selected. Other options are not available.

  • Recovery target: Enter a descriptive name for the destination site (for example, DR site 1).

  • Destination hypervisor: Select a hypervisor for the destination instances.

  • Instance display name: Select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string that will be appended to source instances to create the display name for each destination instance.

  • Access node: Select a proxy to perform operations for the recovery target.

    For AWS to AWS restores, if you assigned an access node at the hypervisor and VM group levels, both the access nodes are used. For AWS restores, if you assigned an access node at the hypervisor level and the VM group level for both the source and the destination hypervisors, the access nodes assigned for the destination hypervisor are used.

  • Availability zone: Select the destination zone.

  • Volume type: To select a volume type for the recovery target, clear this option, and then select a volume type that is optimized for transactional workloads or streaming workloads, for the instance.

    The auto volume type used for restores to AWS is General Purpose SSD (gp2), and for restores from AWS to AWS, the volume type of the source instance is used.

    The following volume types are available:

    • General Purpose SSD (gp2)

    • General Purpose SSD (gp3)

    • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)

    • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2)

    • Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)

    • Cold HDD (sc1)

    • Magnetic (standard)

  • Encryption key: To select an encryption key for the recovery target, clear this option, and then select the required encryption key.

    The auto encryption key used for restores to AWS is No encryption, and for restores from AWS to AWS, the encryption key of the source instance is used.

    The following encryption keys are available:

    • default (aws/ebs)

    • Custom encryption keys

    • No encryption

  • Network: Select a network interface for the destination instances.

  • Auto select security group: To specify a specific security group, clear this selection and then, from the Security groups list, select a security group for the destination instances.

  • Auto select instance type: To specify a specific instance type, clear this selection and then, from the Instance type list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

  • User membership:

  • Users and user groups: Select users or user groups that should have access to the recovery target.
