Setting Up a One-Way Direct Connection (Server to Client) Using a Predefined Network Topology

You can create a network topology instance in which members of one client group can connect to members of another client group.

Use this configuration on environments in which one or more server computers, such as the CommServe computer or a MediaAgent, initiate connections to the client.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that the client groups that you want to use in the network topology instance are already defined in the CommCell Console or the Command Center.

  • You must have Administrative Management permissions on the server groups that you plan to use in the network topology instance.

  • DMZ servers/infrastructure computers should be able to open connections to the servers/laptops on the tunnel port.


  1. From the Command Center navigation pane, go to Manage > Network > Network Topologies.

    The Network topologies page appears.

  2. Click Add topology.

    The Add topology dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for this instance of a one-way direct connection.

  4. For Client type, select Servers.

  5. From the Topology type list, select One-way.

  6. From the Servers list, select the client group that will initiate connections with members of the DMZ servers group.

  7. Optional: Click the down arrow Setting Up a One-Way Direct Connection (Client to Server) Using a Predefined Network Topology (1) next to the Servers list to edit the following options:

    • Tunnel port. Set this to Default (8403), or click the edit icon Setting Up a One-Way Direct Connection (Client to Server) Using a Predefined Network Topology (2) to enter another port number.

    • Keep-alive interval. The interval (in seconds) for sending keep-alive packets, to maintain the session if backup traffic has an extended pause. Set this to 180 (default), or click the edit icon Setting Up a One-Way Direct Connection (Client to Server) Using a Predefined Network Topology (2) to enter another interval. To avoid idle session timeouts on cloud-based clients, set the interval to 200 seconds or less.

  8. From the DMZ servers list, select a client group that will receive connection requests from members of the Servers group.

  9. Optional: Click the down arrow Setting Up a One-Way Direct Connection (Client to Server) Using a Predefined Network Topology (1) next to the DMZ servers list to edit the Tunnel port and Keep-alive interval options as described in Step 7, above.

  10. Optional: Move the Advanced toggle key to the right to edit the following options:

    • Move the Encrypt traffic toggle key to the right to encrypt network traffic (HTTPS).

    • Select Encrypted, Authenticated, Regular, or Raw from the tunnel protocol list.

    • Select the Number of tunnels per route (default value is 1, and maximum value is 8).

  11. Click Save.
