Setting Up an Oracle Instance for Replication


Set up the Oracle destination instance so that you can perform the replication operation.

Before You Begin


  1. Copy the init<SID>.ora file from the source database host to the destination database instance host.

    The db_name parameter value must be the same value on the source and destination databases. The db_unique_name parameter value can be same or different on the source and destination databases.

  2. Compare the value of the db_files parameter that is in the init<SID>.ora file on the source and destination databases. If the value on the source database is greater than the Oracle default value of 200, and it does not match the value in the destination database, then set the db_files parameter on the destination database to the source database value. To view the db_files parameter, on the SQL command line, type the following command:

    sql> show parameter db_files;
  3. Restart the destination database.

  4. To use the TNS connect string instead of "/" to connect the destination instance, create a password file:

    • For a UNIX computer, on the command line, go to the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory, and then type the following command:

      orapwd file=orapwSID password=password_for_sys_user entries=number_of_user_accounts_to_permit_in_the_file

      For example, enter the following:

      orapwd file=orapwdupdb password=Z2Am,)^-Fk][ entries=100


      • dupdb is the name of the deduplication database.

      • Z2Am,)^-Fk][ is the password for the sys user.

    • For Windows configurations, create a new Windows service on the destination database host by using the oradim command.

      For example, enter the following:

      C:> oradim -NEW -SID hostdb -STARTMODE manual -PFILE "C:\app\admin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\database\INIThostdb.ORA"

      where PFILE is "C:\app\admin\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\database\INIThostdb.ORA".

  5. In the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files, add the destination database instance name.

  6. On the destination database instance host command line, type the command to restart the listener:

    $lsnrctl reload
  7. On the destination database instance host command line, type the command to put the destination database instance in NOMOUNT mode:

    sql> startup nomount;
  8. Access the Command Center by using the URL that was displayed on the installation completion page, or that you received from your backup administrator.

  9. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Instances page appears.

  10. Click the instance of the destination database.

    The instance properties page appears.

  11. To disable data backup on the destination database, on the Configuration tab, in the Activity control section, move the Data backup toggle key to the left.

    Disabling data backups ensures that backups are not triggered on the destination database. This is needed because the Oracle instance has an associated plan, and backups would be automatically triggered based on the Recovery Point Objective (RPO). These backups on the destination database would fail since the database is opened in read-only mode.