Universal Command Centers


In a multi-CommCell environment, the Command Center computers belonging to the primary CommCell can be defined as universal Command Centers. The universal Command Centers host the Command Center and Web Console applications for multiple service CommCells. Additionally, the universal Command Centers can host the applications for service CommCells with different versions of the Commvault software.


Service CommCells must have Commvault software Feature Release 22 and later versions installed.


  • Primary CommCell - The CommCell environment that includes the universal Command Centers where the Command Center and Web Console apps are hosted. One or more Service CommCells are associated with the primary CommCell.

  • Service CommCell: The other CommCell environments in the multi-CommCell environment that are registered as service CommCells on the primary CommCell.

  • Universal Command Center: A Command Center that belongs to the primary CommCell and that can be selected by the administrator to host the Command Center and Web Console applications for service CommCells.

  • Dynamic apps: The Command Center and Web Console applications for the service CommCells that are installed on the universal Command Center computer.