Views and Rule Options for VM Groups


When you define content or filters for a VM group, you can change the view and select specific entities, or define rules to automatically select instances that meet specific criteria.


When you browse to select instances for VM group content or filters, you can select a browse method from the Browse and select VMs list, and then expand the tree below the list to select instances or instance types for the VM group, or to clear previous selections.

You can select one of the following options from the list to control the browse display:

  • By instance type: Select an instance of a particular type within a region.

  • By region: Select an instance within a region.

  • By zone: Select an instance within a zone and region.

  • VMs: Select this option to browse and select specific instances.


You can define rules to discover instances automatically.

When adding a rule, from the Select rule for list, choose one of the following rules and then, from the Which matches with list, select Equals, Contains, Starts with, or Ends with:

  • Guest DNS hostname: In the Name box, type a hostname or a pattern to identify a hostname or domain (for example, to identify a specific host or * to identify all hosts on that domain).

  • Guest OS: In the Name box, type the exact name of the operating system or a pattern to identify an operating system group (for example, Microsoft* to identify any virtual machine that has a version of the Windows operating system).

  • Instance name/pattern: In the Name box, type the display name of the instance or a pattern using wildcards (for example, Test* to identify instances for which the instance name begins with "Test").

  • Instance state: Select Running or Stopped.

  • Zone: In the Name box, type the name of the zone or a pattern using wildcards (for example, us-east* to identify zones for which the zone name begins with "us-east"). When you add a zone, all instances in the zone are included in backups.