VM Group Replication Options for Amazon


When you configure a replication group for an Amazon destination, identify source VMs or instances, and then provide Amazon-specific values for replication to the destination site.

Content Options

  • Hypervisors: Select the hypervisor for the source VMs. When you edit an existing replication group, you cannot change this value.

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the replication group.

  • Select VM group: Select an existing VM group, or select Create new VM group to add specific VMs and create a new VM group. When you edit an existing replication group, you cannot change this value.

  • Select VMs: Select specific virtual machines to be replicated and click OK. You can select VMs from the specified VM group.

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the replication group.

  • Plan: When you choose to create a new VM group, select a previously defined server plan for the group.

Target Options

  • Recovery target: Select a previously defined recovery target. To create a new recovery target, click Create new. When you edit an existing replication group, you cannot change this value.

  • Access Node: Select a VSA access node (previously called a proxy) that can be used to perform the replication operation.

    When replicating from Amazon to a different Amazon region, select an access node in the destination region.

Advanced Options

  • Validate destination VM (Power ON and OFF): Select this option to verify that the destination VM is bootable by powering it on and then powering off. Changes resulting from the power on are not preserved. If guest tools are not installed on the source VM, validation is skipped even when this option is selected.

    If validation fails, the destination virtual machine reverts back to its last valid (bootable) state.

  • Select copy: Select the backup copy that should be used as source for the replication operation.

Override Options

To change the destination settings for specific VMs, select the VMs from the Virtual machine list. You can enter the following information:

  • Instance name: Enter the display name for the destination instance, or enter a prefix or suffix to apply to multiple instances.

    You can only change this value when adding a new instance.

  • Availability zone: Select the destination zone.

    You can only change this value when adding a new instance.

  • Volume type: To select a volume type for the instance, clear this option, and then select a volume type that is optimized for transactional workloads or streaming workloads, for the instance.

    The auto volume type used for conversion to AWS is General Purpose SSD (gp2), and for conversion from AWS to AWS, the volume type of the source instance is used.

    By default, the volume type that is set in the recovery target appears.

    The following volume types are available:

    • General Purpose SSD (gp2)

    • General Purpose SSD (gp3)

    • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)

    • Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)

    • Cold HDD (sc1)

    • Magnetic (standard)

  • Encryption key: To select an encryption key for the instance, clear this option, and then select the required encryption key.

    The auto encryption key used for conversion to AWS is No encryption, and for conversion from AWS to AWS, the encryption key of the source instance is used.

    By default, the encryption key that is set in the recovery target appears.

    The following encryption keys are available:

    • default (aws/ebs)

    • Custom encryption keys

    • No encryption

  • Network: Select a network interface for the destination instances.

    You can only change this value when adding a new instance.

  • Auto select security group: To specify a specific security group, clear this selection and, from the Security groups list, select a security group for the destination instances.

    You can only change this value when adding a new instance.

  • Auto select instance type: To specify a specific instance type, clear this selection and from the Instance type list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

    You can only change this value when adding a new instance.

  • Specify guest credentials (only used for replication from VMware): Select this option to enable required drivers to be installed on the Amazon guest instance, and then provide values for the Domain / Computer name, Username, and Password boxes.


    When replication uses an Amazon instance as the VSA proxy, you must provide guest instance credentials for each guest instance.