Configuring Auto-Scaling for Azure Access Nodes

To configure auto-scaling in an environment that has a single Azure account, you need to create and configure a few entities.

Create an Access Node to Manage Auto-Scaling

The Commvault software uses this access node to manage operations for the auto-scaling hypervisor.

If you already have an Azure access node that has the Virtual Server package, then you can use that access node for auto-scaling.

Before You Begin

Azure auto-scaling access nodes must meet the following requirements:

  • Commvault 11.21 or a more recent version

  • Located in the region where you want to configure auto-scaling


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Servers.

    The Servers page appears.

  2. Click Add server.

    The Add server dialog box appears.

  3. Leave Select this method to install software packages on your computer selected.

  4. In Host name, enter the host name of the server.

  5. In User name, Password, Confirm password, enter the credentials for the server.

  6. For OS type, select the operating system of the server.

  7. From the Select packages list, select Virtual Server, and then click OK.

  8. From the Plan list, select the server plan to use for the server.

  9. To specify the install location, in Installation location, enter the path.

  10. To restart the server after the installation, move the Reboot if required toggle key to the right.

  11. Click Install.

  12. To confirm the access node is added, refresh the Servers page.

Create an Empty Auto-Scaling Server Group

The Commvault software uses this empty sever group to create and decommission access nodes.

Auto-scaled access nodes inherit network configuration and permissions from this server group. For information about network configuration, see Network Topologies.

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Server groups.

    The Server groups page appears.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add.

    The Add server group dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, enter a name for the server group.

  4. Select Manual association.


    Do not select servers. The server group must be empty.

  5. Click Save.

Create an Auto-Scaling Hypervisor

Create a hypervisor for the Azure account administrator. The Commvault software uses this hypervisor to manage auto-scaling.

Before You Begin

You can configure auto-scaling only for hypervisors that use traditional authentication with Azure Active Directory. If you have a hypervisor that uses managed identity authentication and you want to use it for auto-scaling, you can change the authentication method for the hypervisor to traditional.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click Add hypervisor.

    The Configure Hypervisor page appears.

  3. Select Microsoft Azure, and then click Next.

    The Configure Microsoft Azure Hypervisor page appears.

  4. In the Hypervisor name box, enter a descriptive name for the hypervisor.

  5. Do not enable the Connect using managed identities for Azure resources toggle key. Auto-scaling hypervisors must use traditional authentication with Azure Active Directory, not managed identity authentication.

  6. In Subscription ID, enter the subscription ID for the Azure account.

  7. For Credential, select or create a credential:

    • Select an existing credential.

    • To create a credential, click the add button add/plus button - gray - no border.

      The Add credential dialog box appears.

      1. In Credential name, enter a descriptive name for the credential.

      2. In Tenant ID, enter the tenant ID for the Azure account.

      3. In Application ID, enter the application ID for the tenant.

      4. In Application secret, enter the secret key value that is generated for the application.

        For the process that includes generating this value, see Setting Up an Application and Tenant for Azure Resource Manager.

      5. In Description, enter a description of the credential.

  8. From the Access nodes list, select the access node that you created to manage auto-scaling.

  9. Click Save.

Configure Auto-Scaling for the Hypervisor

Use the procedure in Specifying VM Provisioning Settings for Azure Access Nodes to configure auto-scaling for the node.

Create an Azure Hypervisor for Each Tenant Account

When you have multiple Azure accounts, create an Azure hypervisor for each tenant account . Azure allows the Azure tenant accounts to automatically authenticate with the Azure Account Administrator.

Before You Begin

You can configure auto-scaling only for hypervisors that use traditional authentication with Azure Active Directory. If you have a hypervisor that uses managed identity authentication and you want to use it for auto-scaling, you can change the authentication method for the hypervisor to traditional.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click Add hypervisor.

    The Configure Hypervisor page appears.

  3. Select Microsoft Azure, and then click Next.

    The Configure Microsoft Azure Hypervisor page appears.

  4. In the Hypervisor name box, enter a descriptive name for the hypervisor.

    Do not enable the Connect using managed identities for Azure resources toggle key. Auto-scaling hypervisors must use traditional authentication with Azure Active Directory, not managed identity authentication.

  5. In Subscription ID, enter the subscription ID for the Azure account.

  6. For Credential, select or create a credential:

    • Select an existing credential.

    • To create a credential, click the add button add/plus button - gray - no border.

      The Add credential dialog box appears.

      1. In Credential name, enter a descriptive name for the credential.

      2. In Tenant ID, enter the tenant ID for the Azure account.

      3. In Application ID, enter the application ID for the tenant.

      4. In Application secret, enter the secret key value that is generated for the application.

        For the process that includes generating this value, see Setting Up an Application and Tenant for Azure Resource Manager.

      5. In Description, enter a description of the credential.

  7. From the Access nodes list, select the access node that you created to manage auto-scaling.

  8. Click Save.
