Add/Edit Column

Use this dialog box from the Template Creation wizard to add the properties for a column or modify the properties of a discovered column. The contents of this page are also available in the Edit Column dialog box, which appears if you select a column from the Edit Template dialog box. The option to edit a template is available in the Manage Templates dialog box.

Column Name

Name to identify the data defined in the log column.

Column Data type

Provides a list of supported data types that might be used in the log column.

Column Type Format

Provides a list of supported formats for the selected data type. The format varies depending on the data type you selected.

Review the following considerations:

  • The String data type does not have any available formats.

  • If the Date data type was selected and the format you need is not available, you can enter your own format using any combination of day(DD), month(MM) and year(YYYY).

    For example, if the date in your log is displayed as 2014/08, type YYYY/MM as the format.

  • If the Time data type was selected and the format you need is not available, your can enter your own format using any combination of hour(HH), minute(MM) and second(SS). If milliseconds are used, use NNN.

    For example, if the time in your log is displayed as 12:33:42.28, type HH:MM:SS.NNN as the format.

Validate Format

Opens the Validate Format dialog box where you can validate date or time data against the column properties.

Decimal Places

Number of decimal places that a float number should display.

Use 1000 Separator(,)

When selected, introduces a comma (,) for decimal and float numbers to indicate every thousandth place. For example, if a decimal number is 1000000, it is converted to 1,000,000.

Please select the supported operation types for the column

Select the operation types that will be provided during the configuration of a monitoring policy; these operation types are provided in the Create/Edit Criteria dialog box of the Monitoring Policy wizard, where you specify filtering attributes to define the monitoring criteria.

  • Available

    Lists the available supported operations types for the column. The operation types vary based on the column data type that you selected. By default, all operation types are selected.

  • Selected

    Lists the supported operation types that have been selected from the Available box.

Default Operation Type

Based on the operation types that you selected, you can choose the operation type you want to show as default during the configuration of filtering attributes in a monitoring policy.


When selected, the log data defined in this column appears in the Log Monitoring application. Clear this option if a column in the log file will not be used to monitor the logs.

For example, the log file includes a description column, so the monitoring policy template must include a description column. However, if you determine that the description column does not contain data that is useful for monitoring logs, clear the Stored check box to prevent the description data from appearing in the Log Monitoring application.


This option is available when the Stored check box is selected. When selected, the log data defined in this column is content indexed allowing you to search the data in the Log Monitoring application.


This option is available when the Indexed check box is selected. When selected, this column is added to the facet list (search filter) in the Log Monitoring application. After you search for specific log data in the application, you can use the filter to narrow down your search.


This option is available when the Indexed check box is selected, the Facet check box is cleared, and the Column Data type is String. When selected, string values are tokenized using the Apache Solr search server. Tokenization separates the string into smaller units. For example, if the string value for a tokenized column is "not installed," the string is separated and becomes "not" and "installed." In the Log Monitoring application, graphs of the column will include a value for "not" and a value for "installed." If the column is not tokenized, graphs of the column will include a value for "not installed."
