Collecting Data for the Enterprise Explorer Dashboards

Applies To: Microsoft Windows computers

The Commvault Enterprise Explorer is a tool that collects information about the Microsoft Windows resources in your environment. This tool collects data from your resources and creates the dashboards in the Analytics platform.

Before You Begin

  • If you are using a server endpoint in your CommCell environment, such as a Web Console, then you must also deployed Data Cube in your CommCell environment. For more information, see Administrator Configurations for Data Cube.

  • The server endpoint user that you specify in the command must have all of the necessary permissions to create data sources and create reports. For more information, see End-User Permissions for Data Cube.

  • If you have VMware virtual machines running Microsoft Windows, you must install VMware PowerCLI on the server where you run Enterprise Explorer. For more information, see VMware documentation.

  • Download the Enterprise Explorer program from the Cloud Services website. The program is named ResourceCrawler.msi. For information about Cloud Services site access, see Register Your Product.


  1. Log on to the computer where you want to install the Enterprise Explorer.

  2. Install Enterprise Explorer by running ResourceCrawler.msi and then follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

  3. Open the ResourceCrawler.exe app.

    You can also open the command prompt and go to the directory where resource crawler is installed.


    The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Commvault\ResourceCrawler.

  4. Run the following command:

    ResourceCrawler.exe -S Server_Endpoint -SU Server_Endpoint_User {-AD Active_Directory_Domain -U DomainName\Active_Directory_Username}


    • Server_Endpoint: The fully qualified domain name of the server endpoint where you will view the Enterprise Explorer dashboards.

      For example, if you intend to view the Enterprise Explorer dashboards from, enter

    • Server_Endpoint_User: The username of the server endpoint account that you want to use to create the Enterprise Explorer dashboards. This user must have all of the necessary permissions to create data sources and create reports on the server endpoint.

    • (Optional) Active_Directory_Domain: If you want to crawl computers in a different domain than the current computer, enter the domain that you want to crawl.

    • (Optional) Active_Directory_Username: If you want to crawl computers in a different domain than the current computer, enter a username as domain\username to access the computers in the specified domain.

    For example:

    • To collect information about computers in the current domain, enter the following command:

      ResourceCrawler.exe -S -SU administrator
    • To collect information about computers in a different domain, enter the following command:

      ResourceCrawler.exe -S -SU administrator -AD -U newdomain\newadmin
  5. If you entered a different domain in the command, enter the password for the Active Directory domain user when prompted.

  6. When prompted for a CommCell password, enter the password for the server endpoint user that you entered in the command.

Enterprise Explorer will connect to the computers in the domain and collect information. Depending on the number of computers in the domain, this operation could take some time to complete.


If you experience an issue while running Enterprise Explorer, check the log files for more information in software installation directory/Commvault/ResourceCrawler/Logs.

What to Do Next

When Enterprise Explorer has completed collecting data, you can view the dashboards in the Analytics platform. For more information, see Viewing the Enterprise Explorer Dashboards.
