The replica copy is an additional copy of the snapshot primary copy. The snapshot primary copy contains the metadata of the snapshots of the local array. The replica copy contains the metadata of the snapshots of the remote array.
Before You Begin
Use a storage policy with a snapshot primary copy. If you haven't done so yet, create a storage policy and a snapshot primary copy on that storage policy.
For inline replication, you can create only one replica copy. If the storage policy already has a replica copy, then the Create New Snapshot Copy command appears dimmed.
From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies.
Right-click the storage policy, point to All Tasks, and then click Create New Snapshot Copy.
The Snap Copy Properties dialog box appears.
In the Copy Name box, type a name.
From the Library list, MediaAgent list, Drive Pool list, and Scratch Pool list, select a library, a MediaAgent, a drive pool, and a scratch pool.
Tip: Drive pool and scratch pool are not applicable for disk libraries.
In the Array Replication area, select Vault/Replica.
On the Copy Policy tab, in the Source Copy area, select the Specify Source for Array Replica Copy check box, and then select the primary snapshot copy from the list.
Click OK.