Data Cube Data Connectors

With Data Cube, you can connect to both native data connectors and custom data connectors.

Native Data Connectors

Data Cube can connect to the following types of data sources.

Native data connector


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Connect to the structured information in database-driven sources, such as Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle database management systems.

Adding a Database Data Source to Data Cube

CommServe database

Administrators can use Data Cube to collect information from the CommServe database.

Adding a CommServe Database Data Source to Data Cube


Crawl websites to create a searchable index of website page data.

Adding a Website Data Source to Data Cube

Comma-separated values (CSV) files

Upload Excel files or other CSV files to connect to the data in your spreadsheets.

Adding a CSV Data Source to Data Cube

File system

Connect to the data on a file system.


Connect to the structured information in your Salesforce customer relationship management system.

Connecting to SalesForce with Data Cube


Connect to the structured information in your LDAP directory service platforms, such as Microsoft Active Directory.

Connecting to LDAP with Data Cube


Connect to the data in an HTTP response from a REST API service.

Connecting to HTTP Responses with Data Cube


Collect sources from Twitter users.

Connecting to Twitter with Data Cube

Custom Data Connectors

Custom data connector


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Open data source

With the open data source connector, you can define the schema for your data in Data Cube, and then upload data using the Data Cube REST APIs. With the open data source connector, you can create custom data sources in Data Cube or connect to other sources of data that are not yet supported by a native data connector.

Connecting to an Open Data Source with Data Cube

Federated search

You can use the federated search connector to combine data sources and handlers into a single Data Cube entity.

Combining Data Cube Connections with the Federated Search Connector

NAS System Discovery report

Create a report to view information about the network attached storage (NAS) devices in your CommCell environment with the NAS System Discovery report. You can configure this report in the CommCell Console, and then view the report in Data Cube.

NAS System Discovery Report - Overview
