Data Cube: Schema Field Options

The following options are available for creating or editing the schema of a data source:



Field Name

The name of the field in the schema.

Field Type

The type of data in the field.

  • Boolean: Values are either True or False.

  • Date: Values are dates, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.


    By default, the date data format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, as in 2016-01-01 01:00:00. If a data source contains a date field with a different format, then use the Custom Date option to specify the format.

  • Custom Date: Select this option to enter a custom format for the date data type.

    The following are the acceptable date format symbols:

    • y - year

    • M - month

    • d - day

    • h - hour

    • m - minutes

    • s - seconds

    • S - milliseconds

    • z - time zone


    • To format Aug 13, 2015 EST 08:07:37 AM, enter MMM dd, yyyy zz hh:mm:ss.

    • To format 13/08/2015 08:07:37, enter dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.


      After you enter a custom date format, you can use the custom date format on other data fields in the same data source. You do not need to re-enter the same custom date format for different fields in the same data source.

  • Double: Values are double-precision floating point formatted decimal numbers.

  • Float: Values are single-precision floating point formatted decimal numbers.

  • Integer: Values are integer numbers between -32,768 and 32,767.

  • UNIX Timestamp: Values are UNIX time (the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970).

  • Long: Values are integer numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.

  • Long String: Values are a string with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 characters.

  • Lowercase: Values are a string with all lowercase characters.

  • String: Values are a string with a maximum length of 32,766 characters.

  • Text: Values are a text string with a maximum length of 255 characters.

  • Text_general: Values are a text string.


    This option is available only for the file system data connector.


Select this option to crawl the schema field and its value.

If you select this option, then the relationship of the schema field to its values are stored in the index.

This option is useful for creating a faceted search function for your data source.

Multi Valued

Select this option to indicate that multiple values might be stored in the schema field.

Show in search results

Select this option when the value of the field should be made visible when displaying results of a search query.

For example, search results typically display only metadata information, such as titles and location information, and not longer content.

Search By Default

Select this option when you want to perform a search query on the value of the field.

If you select this option, then the value of the field is stored in a separate location for more efficient searches.

Index for Autocomplete

Select this option when you want to use the value of the schema field as a suggested search term when the user is typing a search query.

Select only schema fields that shorter values for autocomplete.

Copy to field(s)

Select this option to copy the selected values to an existing field.


  • Only the values of the source field are copied to the destination field. No attributes or field type changes of the source field are applied to the destination field.

  • If the destination fields already contain values, then you must configure the destination fields as Multi Valued, or the crawl will fail.
