Downloading Software for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers Using the Download Manager


You can download the latest Commvault software for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh computers by using the Download Manager application.

Before You Begin

Obtain the latest Download Manager application from the Cloud Services website or the Maintenance Advantage website. See Downloading Installation Media.


The application is available for the last three service pack versions of the Commvault software. Although we recommend that you download the application with the latest service pack version, you can download any version. Remember that the version must be higher than the one that is installed in your environment (that is, you cannot roll back to a previous version).


Use the following steps to create an installation package for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh computers.

  1. On a Windows computer, start the Download Manager application, select where to extract the installation files, and then click Extract.

    The installation wizard opens.

  2. On the welcome page, select I Agree, and then proceed to the next page.

  3. On the Choose the Installation Type page, click Download packages to install on a different computer, and then proceed to the next page.

  4. On the Select Operating System Type page, select Unix, select the specific operating systems that you want to include in the installation package, and then proceed to the next page.

    Note that you can select more than one operating system. For example, if you have Linux and Solaris computers that support 64-bit processors, select Linux-x86-64 and Solaris-x86-64.

  5. On the Download Media Options page, select either Full media kit (all packages) or Advanced (package-based selection), and then proceed to the next page.

  6. If you selected Advanced (package-based selection) in Step 5, above, the Select UNIX Packages screen appears. Select the packages that you want to download, and then proceed to the next page.

  7. On the Select Maintenance Release page, select the maintenance release that you want to download, and then proceed to the next page.

  8. On the Download Location page, specify the location where you want to download the installation package, and then proceed to the next page.


    Make sure that the download location has enough disk space available to accommodate the software that you want to download. If the download location is not the system C:\ drive, you must have at least 1 GB of free space on your system C:\ drive to accommodate cached download files.

  9. On the TAR file destination page, choose whether to create .tar files as follows:

    • If you do not want to create a .tar file, proceed to the next page.

    • If you want to compress the installation package in a .tar file, select Create a TAR file for Unix packages, specify where to save the file, and then proceed to the next page.

      Both the .tar file and the uncompressed package will be available at the end of the package creation.


      When you copy the package to a Linux computer, the .tar file preserves the software file attributes and reduces the chances of dealing with file permission issues.

    When you proceed to the next page, a status page is displayed showing the current operation and a progress bar. If you cancel the download or if the internet connectivity is lost, the application allows you to resume the unfinished download from the point of failure.

  10. On the Install Status page, click Finish.


    As a best practice, keep the installation package up to date, or at the same service pack level as that of the CommServe computer.

What to Do Next

Make the package available for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh client computers.

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