Drive Properties (Odometers)


Use this dialog box to view the drive usage information. The following information is displayed:

  • Property

    Total Number of Mount and Unmount Errors

    Mount, unmount errors encountered during the entire time the drive was in operation.

    Number of Mount and Unmount Errors After Last Clean

    Mount, unmount errors encountered since the last cleaning or fixing operation.

    Total Number of Hours Used

    Total hours of drive usage during the entire time the drive was in operation.

    Number of Hours Used After Last Clean

    Total hours of use since the last cleaning operation.

    Total Number of read, write Errors

    Read, write errors encountered during the entire time the drive was in operation.

    Number of read, Write Errors After Last Clean

    Read, write errors since the last cleaning or fixing operation.

For each property (event type) the following information is displayed:

  • Threshold

    The number of events of this type that can occur before the MediaAgent advises you to clean or replace the drive. These thresholds can be established in the Hardware Maintenance Thresholds (Drive Maintenance) dialog box available in the Control Panel.

  • Actual Value

    The number of events of this type that have occurred since the drive was last cleaned, fixed, or replaced.

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