Exchange Mailbox Agent Journal Mailbox


The Exchange Mailbox Agent Journal Mailbox works in conjunction with the message journaling feature of Microsoft Exchange Server software to archive all incoming and outgoing messages and attachments. A copy of all incoming messages and outgoing messages are captured in the Exchange Journal Mailbox, which is then archived with the Exchange Mailbox Agent according to the schedules that you create. Incoming messages are written to the journal mailbox as they come into the Exchange server. Therefore, all messages are recorded, regardless of whether the message recipients delete the message in their mailboxes.

The archived data remains available for retrieval for the length of time set in the Commvault Exchange retention policy. During this period, the data is readily available for access and retrieval by authorized users. All archived data is protected from any edit or alteration from all users within the context of the archival system (that is, the archived data on the storage media cannot be written to or altered).

For legal and compliance requirements, you can use the Journal mailbox solution or the ContentStore mailbox (SMTP Journal solution).

Before you install the Exchange package, perform the prerequisite tasks. After you install the Exchange package and add the agent, perform the configuration tasks.

Journal Mailbox supports:

  • Database-level journaling.

  • Premium journaling (that is, rule-based journaling). You must have the Exchange Enterprise Client Access License (CAL) on your Exchange server to use premium journaling. For more information, consult the Microsoft documentation. For example, see the Microsoft TechNet article, "Manage journaling",

  • Exchange Servers

    • Exchange 2007 or later (on-premises)

    • Exchange Online

Exchange 2019

Journal Mailbox does not support Exchange 2019. You must use ContentStore Mailbox and configure journaling for Exchange 2019 servers.

Exchange Online

For journaling Exchange Online mailboxes, you can use SMTP journal solution ContentStore Mailbox. It eliminates the need for an on-premises Exchange Server and ensures better performance than the journal mailbox solution.

You cannot designate an Exchange Online mailbox as a journaling mailbox. You must create an Exchange Online journal rule to deliver journal reports to an on-premises journal mailbox.

Exchange Hybrid

For an Exchange hybrid deployment with the mailboxes split between on-premises servers and <Exchange Online>, you can designate an on-premises mailbox as the journaling mailbox.

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