PII Dashboard for File System Data Sources

The PII Dashboard is a default report for file system data sources in Data Cube. To populate the PII Dashboard with data, you must enable entity extraction on the file system data source. For more information about enabling entity extraction, see Configuring Entity Extraction in Data Cube. For information about connecting to a file system data source, see Connecting to a File System with Data Cube.

The PII Dashboard contains the following information:

  • Documents Processed: A pie chart that displays the distribution of files that were successfully processed or that failed entity extraction

  • Documents by Sensitivity: A pie chart that displays the distribution of files that contain entities, based on the level of sensitivity of the entity types

    • Highly sensitive entities: Credit Cards, IP Addresses, ITIN, RTN

    • Moderately sensitive entities: SSN, Phone Numbers

    • Less sensitive entities: Emails, USDL

  • Documents Owners by Sensitivity: A pie chart that displays the distribution of files that contain sensitive entities based on the owners of the files

  • Credit Cards: The total occurrences of credit card information in the data source

  • IP Address: The total occurrences of computer IP address information in the data source

  • ITIN: The total occurrences of individual taxpayer identification number information in the data source

  • RTN: The total occurrences of bank routing number information in the data source

  • SSN: The total occurrences of social security number information in the data source

  • Phone Numbers: The total occurrences of phone number information in the data source

  • Emails: The total occurrences of email address information in the data source

  • USDL: The total occurrences of US driver's license number information in the data source
