Sharing Searches in the Log Monitoring Application

For easy collaboration when addressing issues in your environment, you can share your searches for log events and make them available to other users or user groups. Users can directly access a shared search without setting up the search themselves, enabling consistency in the search criteria.

The shared searches are displayed in the Shared Search table in the Log Monitoring application.

Before You Begin

Ensure that users with whom you want to share searches have a Web Console account.


  1. From the My Applications page in the Web Console, go to Monitoring > Log Monitoring.

  2. At the top of the page, click Search.

  3. On the Search page, define your search criteria.

    Based on your requirement, do one of the following:

    • Create a new search, and click Search.

      For more information, see Searching Log Data in the Log Monitoring Application.

    • From the Recent Search table, click the search you want to share.

    • From the Saved Search table, click the search you want to share.

      Note: To update the time range, click the time range list and select a time range.

  4. To share the search, in the upper-right of the Search page, click Actions > Create Share.

  5. In the Create Share dialog box, specify the following details:

    1. In the Search Name box, enter a name for the shared search.

      Note: The Search Name box is prepopulated, but can be edited.

    2. In the Invite People box, specify the user or user group names, or type the email addresses of people you want to share the search with, and press Enter.

    3. Optional: In the Message text box, enter a brief description about the search.

    4. Click Share.


The recipients receive an email that includes the following:

  • A subject line displaying the name of the search and the user who shared the search.

  • A link to the search, which will direct the recipient to the Web Console login page.

Searching Log Data in the Log Monitoring Application
