Subclient Properties (IntelliSnap Operations)

Use this tab to enable or disable IntelliSnap Operations and to establish the options for IntelliSnap operations for the selected subclient.


Specifies whether IntelliSnap backup for the selected subclient is enabled or disabled.

Available Snap Engines

Lists the available snapshot engine vendors.

Manage Array

Click to access the Array Management dialog box, which enables you to add or modify access information for a array.

Use Proxy

Use this list to specify the name of the proxy server that will be used for performing the IntelliSnap backup operations.

Use source if proxy is unreachable

Select to use the source machine for IntelliSnap backup if the proxy client is not available.

Use source if proxy is unreachable

If the proxy client is unreachable, use the source computer, which is typically the client computer or the MediaAgent used during snap backup of the job.

Wait for snapshot to complete

This check box applies to Amazon RDS subclients. Amazon RDS backup job are asynchronous, so the job progress displays 100% when the software sends the backup request. Select this check box to synchronize the Commvault job progress with the Amazon web console.

Enable Snap Integrity Check

You can configure to run integrity check of a hardware snap during an IntelliSnap backup.

When the Snap Integrity Check is enabled, the following steps are performed automatically during an IntelliSnap backup:

  1. The database is placed in a quiesced state.

  2. A snapshot is created for data volumes.

  3. The database is placed in a unquiesced state.

  4. The snapshot is mounted on source and cataloging of datafiles is performed from mounted snapshot. This verifies whether all the datafiles are properly captured during an IntelliSnap backup.

    The RMAN catalog datafilecopy will check the datafile header and verify its authenticity before cataloging it.

  5. The snapshot is created for log volumes

  6. The snapshot is mounted on source and cataloging is performed for mounted log files.


When using ASM databases, during snap integrity check, the snap mount path is appended to the ASM disk string to enable discovery of ASM disks. This does not have any impact on the Oracle database or clients. Also, the check ensures that the modified ASM disk string does not impact the discovery of asm disks belonging to already existing disk group.

Once the snap integrity check is completed, the appended snap mount path in the ASM disk string is retained and can be reused for other IntelliSnap jobs.

When this is not enabled, you do not see the mount and catalog snap files happening in the Oracle RMAN.log.

Use RMAN Image Copy

Select this option when you have a set of Oracle data files that are located on volumes that cannot be snapped. When you select the option, the Commvault software uses RMAN to back up the incremental database changes to a volume that can be snapped.


The full path to the image copy.

The path must have the following properties:

  • The location be a mount path that can be snapped

  • The location must have enough space to store the maximum size of all the datafiles and one incremental backup.

  • The location must have UNIX 750 permissions

Use Oracle VSS Writer

Select to initiate Oracle IntelliSnap backup operation using the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy service, Oracle VSS writer and VSS provider. The VSS provider and VSS writer service for the Oracle database need to be installed on the Oracle client machine and must be running in order to perform this type of backup.

Use RMAN for Tape Movement

Select to use RMAN for movement to media operations.

Allow multiple data readers within a drive or mount point

Specifies whether multiple data reads are allowed for a single physical drive or mount point during backups on this subclient. It is recommended that this option is selected for specialized hardware such as RAID, or possibly in the case of spanned volumes.

Number of Data Readers for Backup Copy

Use this space to specify the number of simultaneous backup data streams allowed for this subclient, during the movement to media operation. For best performance, this should be set no higher than the number of physical drives that hold this subclient's data, except for specialized hardware such as RAID.

Backup Copy Interface

File System

The software takes the following actions:

  • Considers the job type as FULL

  • Mounts the snapshots

  • Clones the snap device and creates the volume group and logical volumes to mount the snapshot

  • Queries the index created by the snap, to identify files to backup to tape, and generates a collect file for the backup copy

  • Backs up the files to tape or magnetic library

  • Unmounts the snapshot

  • Archives the index created for the backup copy operations


When data is moved from snap to media, the RMAN backup interface is used for block level backup operations. RMAN is also required in the case of Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Oracle Databases, because ASM data is not available on the file system.

Volume Copy (Block-Level Backup - Supports Instant Database Recovery)

Select this option when you want to use the Forever Incremental Backup feature.
