Troubleshooting for the Hitachi Vantara Storage Array


Snapshot fails to mount for VSM Primary Volume (P-VOL)

When you mount a snapshot from the Virtual Storage Machine (VSM) primary volume (P-VOL), an error message "Failed to find host group for client." is displayed if proxy where you mount the snapshot is not part of the VSM resource group. If LUNs used for backup operations belong to the VSM, then create a separate hostgroup for the proxy machine with appropriate Host Bus Adapter (HBA) as part of the VSM resource group.

Hardware revert of VSP volumes fails

Hardware specific revert operations of VSP volumes may fail if system MODE 80 and MODE 87 options are set to ON in the array. It is recommended to have these modes always OFF for hardware reverts to succeed.

Please note that by default MODE 80 and MODE 87 are set to OFF. After installing the storage array software, all system modes are set to their default values by default. System modes can only be changed by a Hitachi Data Systems representative.

  • If set to ON, normal restore and/or reverse copy is performed.

  • If set to OFF, quick restore is performed.

  • If set to ON, quick resynchronization is performed.

  • If set to OFF, normal copy is created.

SI jobs fail with error “ALL Mirror Units in use”

  1. Make sure Mirror Unit 0, 1, or 2 is available for Commvault to use for all primary volumes (P-VOL) in the subclient. All P-VOLs must have the same free Mirror Unit number.

  2. If the Mirror Units are already defined and you want Commvault to use them, then enable snap configuration Use preexisting clones. Refer to Snap Configuration Page for more details.

It is possible that raidcom command has used Mirror Unit 0,1, and 2 for TI snapshot. Raidcom command does not take Mirror Unit number while creating TI snapshot. If TI snaps are created for a P-VOL, then the TI Mirror Unit number starts from 0. If there are already 3 TI snaps (Mirror Unit 0,1, & 2), then it will not be possible to create any SI pair.

IntelliSnap backup does not work if using proxy for the backup job

For proxy hosts, whose hostname and the name visible on HDVM server differ, set the registry on proxy host as below:

Use the following steps to set SNAP_HDS_HDS_AGENT_HOSTNAME additional setting:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the <Client Computer>, click Properties. The Client Computer Properties dialog box appears.

  3. In the Client Computer Properties dialog box, click Properties. The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. In the Advanced Client Properties dialog box, click the Additional Settings tab and click Add .The Add Additional Settings on Windows Client dialog box appears.

  5. In the Add Additional Settings on Windows Client dialog box, specify the following:

    1. In the Name box, type SNAP_HDS_HDS_AGENT_HOSTNAME.

    2. From the Category list, select iDataAgent.

    3. From the Type list, select STRING.

    4. In the Value box, type the client host name.

    5. Click OK.

      The additional setting created will be displayed under Name field.

  6. Click OK to close Advanced Client Properties dialog box.

  7. Click OK to close Client Computer Properties dialog box.

Commvault does not create the Additional Settings sCVHDSRaidcomLockCount_nnn

If you specified that the HORCM instance has a value other than 3532 in the Snap Configuration, then Commvault will not create the additional setting iDataAgent/sCVHDSRaidcomLockCount_nnn, when you run a backup job for the first time. nnn stands for the array serial number.

Refer to Add or Modify an Additional Setting to create the iDataAgent/sCVHDSRaidcomLockCount_nnn.

IntelliSnap backup does not work because the password contains '$'

If the array password contains any of the special characters, logging into the array will fail, causing snap backup jobs to fail.


You can use the following characters:


Do not use hyphen at the beginning of the password.

To check whether the password is valid, run the following command:

C:\HORCM\etc\raidcom.exe -login <user> <passwd> -IM<inst> -s <serial no>

For example:

C:\HORCM\etc\raidcom.exe -login maintenance maint-passwd -IM3532 -s 210210

If the parameter "Do not use HDvM agent for Mount/Unmount" is enabled, the replication pair might not be created or detected

The error:

An attempt to execute the request has failed. The host "hostID=1" does not recognize the specified logical unit (serial number = "92250229", device number = "400").

can be overcome with the following steps:

  1. Open the file, found in the folder <installation path>\HITACHI\HDVM\HBaseAgent\agent\config

  2. Change the property server.agent.rm.centralizePairConfiguration to enable (the default value is disable)

  3. Restart the HBsA service

  4. Re-run the job

IntelliSnap jobs fail because the secondary volume is active


During a snapshot backup operation on the Hitachi Vantara CCI storage array, if the source volume is a global-active device (GAD) paired volume, then the raidscan command queries the other end of the GAD pair. On active secondary volumes, this command fails to get the GAD pair details about the primary array. Because the command fails, the snapshot operation cannot continue on either end of the GAD pair.

The following error messages might appear:

  • Failed to discover and group devices from either sides of the GAD pair.

  • S-VOL side of the GAD pair is active. Please enable the P-VOL side of the GAD pair to backup GAD paired devices.


One of the following scenarios can cause the problem:

  • Both sides of the GAD pair, the primary volume (P-VOL) and the secondary volume (S-VOL), are mapped to a single host and the multipathing software makes the S-VOL active because of load balancing.

  • In a cluster setup, the S-VOL end of the GAD pair is mapped to one of the hosts and that host actively uses the S-VOL for all operations.


From V11 SP9, use the sCVHDSArrayGadPairedWith_<ArraySerial> additional setting to keep the information about the GAD pair. If the S-VOL is active on the host computer, set the additional setting on the host computer in order for the backup job to identify the GAD pair.