Bucket and Object Naming Restrictions

This section lists the naming restrictions for both buckets and objects.

Bucket naming restrictions

  • The maximum bucket name length is 256 characters.

  • The bucket name must be DNS compliant.

  • Allowed characters are numbers, the alphabet, and the following special characters:

    • underscore ( _ )

    • hyphen ( - )

    • period ( . )

Object naming restrictions

  • The minimum object name length is 1 byte.

  • Allowed characters are numbers, the alphabet, and the following special characters:

    • exclamation mark ( ! )

    • backward slash ( \ )

    • quotation mark ( " )

    • ampersand ( & )

    • single quote ( ' )

    • open and close parentheses ( )

    • plus sign ( + )

    • comma ( , )

    • hyphen ( - )

    • underscore ( _ )

    • period ( . )

    • forward slash ( / )

    • semicolon ( ; )

    • equal sign ( = )

    • at sign ( @ )

    • asterisk (*)
