Bucket Quota Management

Based on whether a bucket is created with or without a predetermined quota size, there are two ways to manage the bucket's quota.

  • If a bucket is created with a predetermined quota size, then the size of the bucket is reflected immediately at creation in the tenant quota current capacity. Object creation in a bucket is allowed only until this quota threshold is reached. The bucket quota can be resized using the resizebucketquota command.

    Bucket Quota Management


    The resizebucketquota command can only increase bucket quota, that is, it cannot shrink it.

  • If a bucket is created without a predetermined quota size, then object creation consumes capacity directly from the tenant quota. As contrasted with other protocols, bucket usage can vary when an object is created and deleted. In this case, current capacity is updated based on a bucket usage summary every 24 hours, and the update frequency can be adjusted for specific use cases.
