Hedvig S3 Endpoint Connection

The <Hedvig_endpoint> for object storage is identified by //<hostname>:<port_number>, that is either:



  • <hostname> – the hostname of the Hedvig Storage Proxy that you have configured for object storage or the hostname of the load balancer with which you may be fronting the storage proxies.

  • <port_number> – the <port> in the config.xml file or the port on which the HTTP load balancer is running in the environment.

The endpoint connection process depends on the method used for S3 Service communication, as follows:

  • AWS CLI – Use the following template command:

    aws s3api --endpoint <Hedvig_endpoint> --profile <or default>
    <rest of the S3 command>

    The command name and options are the same as those specified in the command list/help.

    The profile corresponds to the user profiles configured in the AWS credentials file.

  • S3 Browser, Cyberduck, or similar applications – Specify the endpoint as S3 protocol-compatible, and provide the endpoint information as instructed.

  • AWS SDK-based applications – The SDKs provide APIs to set the endpoint for an
    S3 protocol-compatible connection.


Because of virtual-hosted style access bucket name recognizing, do not use IP as an endpoint.
