Rotating AWS Secret Access Keys

It is recommended that you rotate AWS secret access keys on a regular basis as a best practice.

  • You can have at most two secret access keys per user.

  • You can deactivate, delete, and activate secret access keys.

  • You can input custom secret access keys of 40 characters (alphanumeric /+) or let the system auto-generate them.

Here are the guidelines for rotating secret access keys:

  1. Create the new secret access key (default is active).

  2. Migrate applications to use the new secret access key.

  3. Validate that the applications are running correctly.

  4. Wait for two hours. Deactivate the old secret access key, and ensure that the applications are running correctly.

  5. If any applications are still using the old secret access key, then activate the key, and go back to step 2.

  6. Wait for two hours. Delete the inactive secret access key.
