Viewing Metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes

The Hedvig WebUI provides a rich set of metrics for each Hedvig Storage Cluster Node.


  1. Identify the storage node (which varies, depending on the view you are using).

    • Grid view: Click the rectangle representing the storage node.

      Viewing Metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes (5)

      In the dialog, click the storage node name.

      Viewing metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes

    • List view: Click the storage node name.

      Viewing Metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes (6)

  2. View the sample metrics for that storage node.

    In this display:

    • You can see the storage percentage used for each Storage Pool.

    • You can select the Change button to change to a different storage proxy or storage cluster node.

      Viewing Metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes (7)

  3. Click each Storage Pool to see additional information.

    Viewing metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes (2)

  4. Hover over each Container to see individual names.

    Viewing metrics for Hedvig Storage Cluster Nodes (3)

  5. Use the Filter box to view only certain containers.
