Logs required for debugging issues from a failed node install or imaging can be collected and transferred using NFS/CIFS mount after network is configured on the node.
Configure network on the node using the following steps:
On environments with DHCP, assign IP address to the public interface using the following command:
# dhclient <intx>
on non-DHCP environments, , assign static IP address to the public interface using the following commands:
# ifconfig <intx> <IPaddre> netmask <nmask> # route add default gw <gateway> <intx>
Mount NFS/CIFS export on the node
Use the following command to mount NFS export on the node:
# mount -o nolock <NFSServerIP>:<ExportPath> <mountpath>
Without the
-o nolock
option, the following error will be seen:mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking. mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd. mount.nfs: mounting <server:path> failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory
Use the following command to mount CIFS export on the node:
# mount.cifs <WindowsExportPath> <mountpath> -o user=<username>
Enter the password for given username for mount.
Collect the logs by copying the following files/directories to the NFS/CIFS mount. You can use
to compress any needed directories.-
Directory /var/log/
All .xml and .map files present at /
Output of
command -
Output of LVM commands
, andpvscan