Installing the Laptop Backup Package from the CommCell Console


Use this procedure to install the laptop package on one or more laptop computers from the CommCell Console.


  • Commvault packages must be available in the CommServe cache directory. For instructions on downloading software packages to the CommServe cache, see Prerequisites for Installations Using the CommCell Console.

  • The laptop computers where you want to remotely install the laptop package must be online and within your organization's network. Otherwise, the installation might fail because the laptop is unreachable.


  1. Open the CommCell Console.

  2. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click Add/Remove Software > Install Software.

    The Install Wizard window is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard.

    During the installation, select the following options:

    • On the Select Package(s) to Install page, select the File System Core under the File System node.

    • On the Enter Recommended Settings for the selected Software page, select the Configure For Laptop Backups check box.

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