qlibrary import



This command imports media into a specified library. On successful completion, the qlibrary import command displays the following message on the command prompt:

"After all the media have been moved into the slots, the library finishes its initialization without errors. Please use the "qlibrary discover" option to identify the new media."

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "import: Error errorcode: errordescription"


When importing to specific slots, ensure that no media is associated with these specific slots.

If media associated to specific slots are mounted, the slots will appear available but running an import media to such slots will display "Error: Input destination slots for import are unavailable or invalid for the library" error message.


qlibrary import [-cs commserver] -l library [-iep ieports] [-sl slots] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



CommServe host name


Library name


IE port range separated by comma. For example:

1001-1002, 1003, 1004.


Library slot.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Import media 001003, 001009 to slot 000105, 000107.

E:\commandline>qlibrary import [-cs commserver] -l library [-iep 001003, 001009] [-sl 000105, 000107]

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