This command searches for new media in a given library. If the library is available and discovered, it is moved into the scratch pool and assigned the media type name specified by the user.
qlibrary discover -l <library> -srp <scratchpool> -mt <mediatype> [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-l |
Library name |
-srp |
Scratch pool name |
-mt |
Media type name |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Discover the media in a library named Library1.
E:\commandline>qlibrary discover -l STK9730 ACSLS -srp spares for 4000 -mt DLTape IV