Specifying the Media Parameters for DB2 Command Line Operations


DB2 command line backups use the storage policy and the data path specified in the CommCell Console DB2 database instance by default.

You can override the default parameters by specifying the media parameters file when you use the VENDOROPT database configuration parameter and the DB2 log command line LOGARCHOPT1 database configuration parameter.

When you configure this option on a database, the application command line backups use the media parameter storage policy.

You must associate the Data Path (MediaAgent, Library, Drive Pool) with the specified storage policy in the parameters file.


  1. Create a media parameters file with the required media parameters.

    For information on the supported media parameters, see Media Parameters.

    The parameter file format is:

    [<Parameter Name-1>] <Value-1> < [<Parameter Name-2>] <Value-2>


    CommVault VirtualLib 276
  2. Specify the media parameters file for the client.

  3. Use the CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1 parameter in the DB2 command line VENDOROPT database configuration parameter.


    db2 update db cfg for <database name> using VENDOROPT "'CvClientName=<client_name_on_CommCell>,CvInstanceName=Instance00<n>,CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1'"
  4. Use the CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1 parameter in the DB2 log command line LOGARCHOPT1 database configuration parameter.


    db2 update db cfg for <database name> using LOGARCHOPT1 "'CvClientName=<client_name_on_CommCell>,CvInstanceName=Instance00<n>,CVDB2USEMEDIAPARAMS=1'"

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