Capacity License Usage Details in the Growth and Trends Report


There is a new report that provides growth and trends information for licenses. See Growth and Trends View in the License Summary Worldwide Report.

This report includes the Capacity License Usage Growth chart and details about the amount of capacity purchased and used in each CommCell environment.

To view this report, in the Growth Trends Report, in the Capacity License Usage chart, click Details details_button.

View the backup size and the archive size by clicking on the associated button. You can also view the capacity growth for the top 5 CommCells, the aggregate data growth for all CommCells, or view data for particular CommCells by selecting them from the CommCell column in the table. Additionally, you can choose to view the Capacity License Usage by Application report by clicking on a CommCell Name.

View the chart data in compound bar format, by clicking Bar Chart bar chart button, in line format by clicking Line Chart line chart button, or in table format by clicking Table table button.

Capacity License Usage Details Chart

Table View

The table view of the Capacity License Usage chart includes the following information.




Name of the CommCell.


Depending on your selections, any of this information appears:

  • Backup: size of backup capacity consumed during the month

  • Archive: size of archive capacity consumed during the month

Details Table

The table includes detailed information about the growth rate of used capacity over time.




Name of the CommCell or total of all CommCells.

Latest Month

Date when the most recent complete month began.

Purchased Capacity

Total amount of capacity that was purchased for the CommCell.

Used Capacity

Total amount of capacity used by the CommCell.

Previous Month Change

Difference between the Used Capacity for the previous month and the month before that.

Previous Month Change (%)

Percentage of difference between the Used Capacity for the previous month and the month before that.

Current Month Change

Difference between the Used Capacity for the current month and the previous month.

Current Month Change (%)

Percentage of difference between the Used Capacity for the current month and the previous month.

Growth Rate (TB/Month)

Average data growth for six months, excluding the current month if there is more than 3 months of data. The first month of data is excluded if there is more than one month of data and less than seven months of data.

Size After 6 Months

Estimated size of data after six months.

Size After 12 Months

Estimated size of data after 12 months.

Size After 18 Months

Estimated size of data after 18 months.

Purchase After 6 Months

Recommended amount of space to purchase after six months.

Purchase After 12 Months

Recommended amount of space to purchase after 12 months.

Purchase After 18 Months

Recommended amount of space to purchase after 18 months.
