Clients Count Details in the Growth and Trends Report

The Clients Count report provides information about the total number of clients and the number of clients that were added and removed by each month during the previous 13 months. This report also displays the number of clients by each year for the previous 3 years.

To view this report, in the Growth Trends Report, in the Clients Count chart, click Details details_button.

View the chart data in compound bar format, by clicking Bar Chart bar chart button, in line format by clicking Line Chart line chart button, or in table format by clicking Table table button.

Client Count Details Chart

Table View

The table view of the Clients Count chart includes the following information.




The name of the CommCell.


The number of clients in that month.

Details Table

The details table includes information about the number of clients over time.



CommCell Name

The name of the CommCell.

Library Name

The name of the library.


The total number of clients in the year 2018.


The total number of clients in the year 2019.


The total number of clients in the year 2020.

Monthly Growth

The average growth of clients per month.


The table also includes columns that display the number of clients for last 13 months.
