Subclient Dedupe Savings Details in the Growth and Trends Report

This report includes the Subclient Dedupe Savings chart and displays details about the size of data saved over time.

This chart is visible only on the Web Console.

To view this report, in the Growth Trends Report, in the Subclient Dedupe Savings chart, click Details details_button.

You can view Full, Incremental/Differential, and both by clicking on the associated button. To view data for the five subclients with the highest average deduplication savings, select Top 5. To view deduplication settings for specific subclients, select those subclients from the table. Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to view the deduplication savings in a particular time period.

View the chart data in compound bar format, by clicking Bar Chart bar chart button, in line format by clicking Line Chart line chart button, or in table format by clicking Table table button.

Subclient Dedupe Savings Details Chart

Table View

The table view of the Subclient Dedupe Savings chart includes the following information.




Name of the subclient.


Depending on your selections, any of this information appears:

  • Full: amount of space saved through deduplication on full backups during the specified time.

  • Incremental/Differential: amount of space saved through deduplication on incremental or differential backups during the specified time.

  • Both: amount of space saved through deduplication on full and incremental/differential backups during the specified time.

Details Table

The table includes detailed information about the percentage of space saved through deduplication over the specified time.



CommCell Name

Name of the CommServe computer.


Name of the subclient.

Average Saving (%)

Percentage of space saved through the deduplication process for the subclient.


If Daily is selected, the percentage of space saved through deduplication on that day.


If Weekly is selected, the percentage of space saved through deduplication during that week.


If Monthly is selected, the percentage of space saved through deduplication during that month.
