The default subclient backs up the entire client computer. The default subclient, skips the content specified in the other subclients within the same backup set.
You can modify the content of the default subclient.
Tip: Best practice is to leave the default subclient content as it is, and create additional user-defined subclients as needed to manage different groups of data and system state separately.
Caution: If you change the content of the default subclient, the system state will not be backed up when a subsequent backup is performed. In such cases, add the system state to the backup content of a user-defined subclient.
To perform backups using the default subclient, you need to assign a new or existing storage policy to the subclient. The storage policy identifies a library that stores backup data.
From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > File System > defaultBackupSet.
Right-click the defaultsubclient and then click Properties.
In the Subclient Properties dialog box, click the Content tab, and click Browse or Add Paths to include the content you want to back up.
A message appears that says the Backup system state option will be disabled. To continue, click Yes.
On the Storage Device tab, select a storage policy from the Storage Policy list.
If necessary, click Create Storage Policy to create a new storage policy for the subclient.
Click OK.