Vault Tracker Feature - Online Help


Tracking Policy Details

Use this dialog box to view or modify the properties of a Vault Tracker policy.


Policy Name

The name of the Vault Tracker policy.


Relevant information about the Vault Tracker policy.


Determines whether the Vault Tracker policy can be run or not.

Select this option to enable the Vault Tracker policy and make it available for use. Clear this option to disable the Vault Tracker policy.

Auto Acknowledge

Specifies whether all pending movement actions are acknowledged automatically when the media is exported from the library.

Separate Containers for SILO

When this option is selected, media that is used for Silo storage is placed in a separate container than media that is used for other types of storage.

Start exporting media x minute(s) from the execution time of policy

When this option is selected, the media is exported the specified number of minutes after the Vault Tracker policy is run.

Abort exports if not completed within x minute(s)

When this option is selected, the export operation is cancelled if the operation is not completed within the specified number of minutes.

Offline Reason

When the Vault Tracker policy is not enabled, the offline reason appears in this box.

Policy Type

  • Export Media

    Select this option if the media does not need to be returned to the library.

  • Due back for reuse

    Select this option to return spare media that is stored outside of the library.

    Recyclable media is calculated based on the Retain for n days setting that is defined in the storage policy copies that were used to write to the media. Retention cycles and Extended Retention Rules for Full Backups are not considered.

Storage Policy

Use this tab to select the storage policies and storage policy copies that must be used by the Vault Tracker policy to select the media.

Important: If you select a global secondary copy policy, all the media associated with the storage policy copies that are associated with the global secondary copy policy will be exported. However, you can select individual storage policy copies which are associated with a global secondary copy policy. In this case, the media associated with these individual storage copy policies will be exported during the execution of the Vault Tracker policy.

For example: SP1 and SP2 storage policy copies are associated with GACP global secondary copy policy. If you select SP1 and GACP, the media associated with SP1 and SP2 will be exported as SP2 is part of GACP.


Use this tab to select the source location (library, export location, and media repository) for the Vault Tracker policy.

Use Virtual Mail Slots for export in source libraries

When this option is selected, media that match the specified criteria are moved to the virtual mail slot when the Vault Tracker policy is run. Virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) dialog box.


Use this tab to define exporting and media tracking operations.


You must have the Vault Tracker Enterprise license to see Vault Tracker options on this tab.

Media Status

  • All

    Selects all media with any status. Clear this option to select cleaning media or media that have a specific status.

  • Spare Media

    • New

      Selects spare media that is new.

    • Aged

      Selects media that has been aged and recycled by the Data Aging operation.

  • Assigned Media

    • Active

      Selects media whose status is marked as active.

    • Appendable

      Selects media whose status is marked as appendable.

    • Full

      Selects media whose status is marked as full.

And exists in

Selects media that exists within certain media groups.

Media Groups

  • All

    Selects media within all groups.

  • Scratch

    Selects media that are available for use.

  • Cleaning

    Selects cleaning media.

  • Foreign

    Selects media that are not used by the MediaAgents in the CommCell and that reside in the Foreign Media Pool.

  • Catalog

    Selects cataloged media.

  • Retired

    Selects retired media.

  • Overwrite Protected

    Selects media whose status is marked as read-only.

Media State

  • All

    Selects all media regardless of status.

  • Good Only

    Selects only the media whose status is marked as good.

  • Bad Only

    Selects only the media whose status is marked as bad.


Use this tab to define the criteria that must be used by the Vault Tracker policy to select media. (The options displayed in this tab depends on the type of policy or operation.)

Limit media count for due back

When this option is selected, you can specify the number of media that must be included in the due back policy.

Backup Level


Specifies that media from the selected backup types will be included.


Specifies that media from the selected backup types will be excluded.


When this option selected, media containing full backups will be selected.


When this option selected, media containing incremental backups will be selected.


When this option selected, media containing differential backups will be selected.

Time Selection

  • Since

    Specifies the action that must be used to calculate the age of the media.

    • First write

      The date and time that the data is first written to the media.

    • Last write

      The date and time that the data was last written to the media.

    • Last read

      The date and time that the media was last read.

    • Due back for reuse

      The future due back date when all the data in the media will be pruned and the media is designated as a spare media.

      For example:

      If the time range is specified as “within 5 days”, all media that will become spare within 5 days will be selected.

      If the time range is specified as “older than 5 days”, all media that will NOT become spare within 5 days will be selected.

  • By Range

    When this option is selected, media older than the specified number of days or within the specified number of days are included in the Vault Tracker policy.

  • By Time

    When this option is selected, media that were written or read (depending on what you selected for the Since criterion) after or before the date and time that you specify are included in the Vault Tracker policy.

Limit media count for export

When this option is selected, you can specify the number of media that are exported in the Vault Tracker policy. Alternatively, you can free a specified number of slots within each source library.

Exclude media not copied

When this option is selected, the system excludes the media with jobs that have not been copied onto the secondary copies from the export operation. However, this option does not consider content indexing, verification and analytics operations scheduled for such media. After the media is exported, the system recalls the media to perform the content indexing operation that is already scheduled..

Note: In case secondary copy is not configured and this option is selected, then all the media that is used by a running job will not be exported using the Vault Tracker policy.

Exclude media with data not verified

When this option is selected and you chose to verify the data on the media, media that have not had their data verified are not exported.

Exclude media in drive

When this option is selected, media that is currently loaded in the drive is not exported.

Exclude media with non-encrypted data

When this option is selected and data encryption is configured, media whose data is not encrypted is not exported.

Exclude Appendable Media with Usage Less than %

When this value is set, appendable media that contains data whose total value is lower than the set value are not exported.

Filter Media By Retention

Specifies that media are exported based on whether the media have extended retention jobs or not. The retention specified at the storage policy copy level are honored.

Note: The retention specified at the job level by the user (manual retention) are not honored.

  • Media with extended retention job(s)

    Specifies that media with at least one extended retention job are exported.

  • Media with no extended retention job(s)

    Specifies that media with no extended retention jobs are exported.


Use this tab to specify the destination location for media that are exported by the Vault Tracker policy.

Track Transit

When this option is selected, transit location information must be tracked. The transit locations that appear in the list are created in the Export Location Details dialog box. In addition, you can type a new transit location into the list directly.


  • Library

    The destination is a library.

  • Export

    The destination is a location. The list includes the stationary locations that are created in the Export Location Details dialog box. In addition, you can type a new stationary location into the list directly.

  • Selected Container

    Click Container to define a container as a destination. The Container Definition dialog box appears. The Container button is available when the Export option is selected.

  • Media Repository

    The destination is a media repository. The media repositories that appear in the list are created in the Add Shelf dialog box.

  • Return to any library

    The destination is any library that is available.


Use this tab to:

  • Identify the user groups to which this Vault Tracker policy is associated.

  • Associate this Vault Tracker policy with a user group.

Available Groups

Lists the names of the user groups that are not associated with this Vault Tracker policy.

Associated Groups

Lists the names of user groups that are associated with this Vault Tracker policy.

Container Definition

Use this dialog box to generate container names automatically when an export is initiated with a Vault Tracker policy. This dialog box is accessed by clicking Container on the Tracking Policy Details (Destination) dialog box.


Specifies that the selected container is used as the destination for the media.

Define container name pattern

When this option is selected, you can define a naming pattern that is used for each container name.

A list provides the variables that are available for the naming pattern. Select each variable that you want to include in the naming pattern, and then click Add Token. You can select more than one variable; however, you must select and add each variable one at a time.


    The number of the CommCell.

  • <DATE>

    The current date on the CommServe host.

  • <DAY>

    The day of the week based on the current date on the CommServe host.


    The name of the deduplication database that was configured for the deduplication storage policy.


    The destination location.


    A serial number that increments automatically by 1 for each container name that is generated. The numbering starts at the value that you enter along with the <NUMBERSTART> variable. For example, <NUMBERSTART>1000.

    If you do not define a starting number, then the default starting number is 1.

  • <TIME>

    The current time on the CommServe host.

Add Token

Click Add Token to add the selected variable to the container name pattern.


The maximum number of media that the container can hold.

View Media

Use this dialog box to view the media that meet the conditions that are defined in the Vault Tracker policy.


The status of the media represented as an icon. See Identifying Media Icons for information about each media icon.


The barcode number that is associated with the media.


The name of the library where the media was last written.

SP Name/Copy Name

The name of the storage policy and storage policy copy that are associated with the media.


The current location of the media.

  • If the media is inside of the library, the storage slot drive name where the media resides appears.

  • If the media is outside of the library, the location appears.

Return Date

The estimated date that the media is expected to return back to the library. This date is calculated based on the basic and extended retention days that are defined for the associated storage policy copy.


If you click Run, the selected Vault Tracker policy runs immediately.

Advanced Backup Options

Vault Tracking

Use this tab to select options for exporting and tracking media using the Vault Tracker feature.


You must have the Vault Tracker Enterprise license for the options on this tab to be available.

Export Media After Job Finishes

When this option is selected, the media used by the backup operation and whose status meet the selected Media Status criteria are exported and tracked by the Vault Tracker feature.

Exclude Media Not Copied

When this option is selected, media with jobs that have not been copied onto the secondary copies are not exported.

Media Status

  • All

    Selects all media regardless of status.

  • Full

    Selects media whose status is marked as full.

  • Active

    Selects media whose status is marked as active.

  • Bad

    Select media whose status is marked as bad.

  • Overwrite Protected

    Selects media whose status is marked as read-only.

Export Location

You can select an export location from the list of stationary locations. The locations included in this list are created in the Export Location Details dialog box.

Track Transit

When this option is selected, transit information must be tracked. You can select a transit location from the list of transit locations. The locations included in this list are created in the Export Location Details dialog box.

Use Virtual Mail Slots

When this option is selected, exported media is moved to the virtual mail slots within the library. The virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) dialog box.

Filter Media By Retention

Specifies that media are exported based on whether the media have extended retention jobs or not. The retention specified at the storage policy copy level are honored.

Note: The retention specified at the job level by the user (manual retention) are not honored.

  • Media with extended retention job(s)

    Specifies that media with at least one extended retention job are exported.

  • Media with no extended retention job(s)

    Specifies that media with no extended retention jobs are exported.

Export Location Details

Use this dialog box to add or modify export locations.


The location name.


The location type.

  • Stationary location is the source or destination location where the media is stored or where the media originates (for example, Office X, Data Center, and so on).

  • Transit location is the name of the carrier (or a person) used to move the media between two locations (for example, a delivery company, transit number, tracking number, and so on).


A description of the location.

Set Export Location Details

Use this dialog box to set the storage location for exported media.

Select Media for which you want to set the location

A list of the media that have been exported from the library. Select the media whose export location you want to set.

  • Status

    Indicates the status of the media represented as an icon. See Identifying Media Icons for information about each media icon.

  • Identifier

    The barcode number that is associated with the media.

  • Storage Policy/Copy

    The storage policy and the storage policy copy that were used to write to the media.

  • Location

    The current location of the media.

    • If the media is inside of the library, the storage slot drive name where the media resides appears.

    • If the media is outside of the library, the location appears. The MediaAgent has no control over media once they leave the library. You must make sure that exported media are stored in the specified location.

New Export Location

When this option is selected, you can assign a new export location for the selected media. You can select a location from the list or type a new location name into the box.


When this option is selected, you can assign a container for the selected media. You can select a container from the list or type a new container name into the box.

Media Movement Filter Criteria

Use this dialog box to define the filter criteria for viewing the tracking history of the exported media.

Specify Time Range

When this option is selected, you can specify a time range. If this option is not selected, all the tracking history information is displayed.

  • Time Zone

    Lists the time zones.

  • Start Time

    Specifies the starting time. Set the date, and then set the time in the format hh:mm AM/PM. The time must be entered using the 12-hour clock convention.

  • End Time

    Specifies the end time. Set the date, and then set the time in the format hh:mm AM/PM. The time must be entered using the 12-hour clock convention.

Tracking History

Use this dialog box to view the movement history of media that are associated with a Vault Tracker policy or export operation. The Tracking History dialog box appears after you define a time range in the Media Movement Filter Criteria dialog box.


A unique number generated by the Vault Tracker policy or job (such as Backup, Auxiliary Copy, or Export).


The job that initiated the pending action. This could be either a Vault Tracker policy or job (such as Backup, Auxiliary Copy, or Export). In addition, the initiator can be the user who initiated an action at the Library node using a criteria-based Vault Tracker policy.


Indicates that the action is running, pending, or complete.


The original source of the media. This could be one of the following:

  • A source library

  • A source location

  • A media repository


The final destination of the media. This could be one of the following:

  • A library

  • A location

  • A media repository

  • Inside Library (if the Library where the media was last written option is selected in the Vault Tracker policy).


The name of the carrier (or a person) used to move the media between two locations (for example, a delivery company, transit number, tracking number, and so on).

Start Time

The date and time (on the CommServe host) when the movement was initiated.

End Time

The date and time (on the CommServe host) when the movement was completed.

Media Action Details

Use this dialog box to view the details of a media action.


Action Type

The type of action that is associated with the policy.


The job that initiated the pending action. This could be either a Vault Tracker policy or job (such as Backup, Auxiliary Copy, or Export). In addition, the initiator can be the user who initiated an action at the Library node using a criteria-based Vault Tracker policy.


The library where the media originated.


The destination that is defined in the Vault Tracker policy.


Location of media that is in transit.


The current state of the media.

  • At Source

    The media is inside the source location (library, media repository, or stationary location).

  • At VMS

    The media is in the virtual mail slot.

  • In Transit

    The media is between the source and the destination.

  • Obsolete

    The media is already moved into another Vault Tracker policy.

Start Time

The date and time (on the CommServe host) when the action was initiated.

List of Media


The barcode number that is associated with the media.


The current state of the media.

  • At Source

    The media is inside the source location (library, media repository, or stationary location).

  • At VMS

    The media is in the virtual mail slot.

  • In Transit

    When the media is between source and destination.

  • Obsolete

    The media is already moved into another Vault Tracker policy.

Current Location

The current location of the media.


The library where the media originated.


The container name if the destination is a container.

Due Back for reuse On

Indicates when the media is due back to the source location.

  • Now

    Media is due back immediately.

  • Date

    Media is due back on the date that is displayed.

  • Never

    Media is not due back to the source location.

Export Error

If the action failed, this is the reason for the failure.

Container Details

Use this dialog box to add a new container or modify an existing container.


Container Name

The name of the container.

Capacity (No of Tapes)

The maximum number of media that the container can hold.

Tracking ID

An identification value for the container (optional).


A description of the container.


Use this tab to:

  • Identify the user groups to which this container is associated.

  • Associate this container with a user group.

  • Disassociate this container from a user group.

Available Groups

Displays the names of the user groups that are not associated with this container.

Associated Groups

Displays the names of user groups that are associated with this container.

Set Container

Use this dialog box to associate the container with the selected media.

Set Container

When this option is selected, you can associate the name of the container with the media that are associated with the pending action.

New Shelf

Use this dialog box to add a shelf (media repository).

Enter Shelf Name

The name of a new shelf.

Shelf Properties

Use this dialog box to modify an existing shelf name.

Shelf Name

The name for an existing shelf. You can modify this name.


The date when the shelf was initially created.

Total Number of Media

The total number of media that are available on the shelf.

Customer-ID Information

Use this dialog box to add or modify the unique Iron Mountain Customer Identification numbers provided to your enterprise. These numbers are used to generate the reports that require the Iron Mountain format.

Customer ID

The unique customer identification numbers provided by Iron Mountain for your enterprise.