Prerequisites for Lambda Functions

Prerequisites for Protecting Lambda Functions in Appranix

Appranix requires storage buckets for storing your Lambda backups in both the primary and recovery regions.

Create a Storage Bucket Through CLI Using Appranix Custom Script

  • Open the following URL in your web browser (
  • Copy the code provided and save it as a .sh file on your local system
  • Connect to your AWS account using either the local CLI or through AWS portal CMD prompt
  • In your CLI, navigate to the path where the .sh file is located
  • Ensure that the .sh file has executable permissions (Use chmod +x command for setting the executable permissions )
  • Run the script using the following command (sh
  • Enter your source region where the Lambda function is located. The value should be a region code (e.g., us-east-1), not a region name (e.g., N. Virginia)
  • Provide a globally unique bucket name
  • Enter the number of replication regions
  • Enter your replication region. The value should be a region code (e.g., us-east-1), not a region name (e.g., N. Virginia)
  • Provide a globally unique bucket name for replication
  • Enter the Role ARN that you have created for Appranix to discover this account
  • Press Enter to execute the script

Manually Create a Storage Bucket in AWS portal.**

  • Log in to the AWS console and search for "S3 bucket"
  • Click on "Create bucket"
  • In the create bucket wizard, enter a globally unique bucket name
  • Choose your primary region as the bucket region
  • Enable the bucket versioning option
  • Leave all other settings as default and proceed to create the bucket
  • After the creation is complete, navigate to the "Permissions" tab in the bucket
  • Scroll down to the "Bucket Policy" section and click "Edit"
  • Paste the following bucket permission JSON,

                    "Version": "2012-10-17",
                    "Statement": [
                            "Sid": "AppranixObjectPermission",
                            "Effect": "Allow",
                            "Principal": {
                                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::95XXXXXXXX40:role/ax-role-e1XXXXXXf3"
                            "Action": [
                            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-a-us-east-1/*"
    * Replace "arn:aws:iam::95XXXXXXXX40:role/ax-role-e1XXXXXXf3" with the Role ARN created for Appranix in your AWS account * Replace "bucket-a-us-east-1" with your actual bucket name * Save the changes * Repeat the above steps to create a storage bucket for the recovery region. Choose the recovery region as the bucket region


After completing the S3 bucket creation, trigger a Cloud Connection discovery sync. Once all the created buckets are discovered, proceed with Cloud Assembly creation.
