Adding a NAS Client for IntelliSnap


To back up NDMP file system data by using IntelliSnap, you must add a NAS client. (Because the software for the NDMP Agent is installed automatically as part of the MediaAgent installation, no additional software is needed.)

Before You Begin

Review the following considerations for NetApp:

  • If the data you want to backup resides on a Storage Virtual Machine (vFiler or Vserver), configure the Storage Virtual Machine as the NAS server.

  • Any NAS storage device used for backing up secondary storage data (Vault, Mirror, or backup copy) must be configured as a NAS client with the same name that is used by the OCUM server to communicate with the secondary NAS file server..

  • If you plan to use SnapVault or SnapMirror, use the appropriate storage policy based on the type of snapshot, such as NetApp 7-Mode and NetApp Cluster-Mode snapshots. For NetApp 7-Mode snapshots, use storage policies associated with OnCommand Unified Manager 5.x. For NetApp Cluster-Mode snapshots, use storage policies associated with OnCommand Unified Manager 6.0 or later.

    Most capabilities of data ONTAP 7-Mode apply, however cascaded replication of primary to snapvault to snapmirror on a single policy is not supported.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computers, and then click New Client.

    The Add New Client dialog box appears.

  2. Under File System, click NAS / Network Share.

    The Add NAS/Network Share Client dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, in the Client Name box, enter the name for the client.

  4. In the Host Name box, the fully qualified host name of the NAS server.

  5. Select the NDMP check box, and then enter the following information:

    • NDMP Login: The NDMP user name to log in to the NAS server.

    • NDMP Password: The NDMP password to log in to the NAS server.


      For NetApp C-Mode file servers, run the generate-password command on the file server to obtain an NDMP password. For more information, see the NetApp documentation for your file server.

    • Listen Port: The default computer port socket number assignment.

    • Detect MediaAgent: By default, the CommServe host is used to connect to the NAS client. If your CommServe host is unable to connect to the file server directly, select a MediaAgent to use to connect to the file server.

  6. To test the connection, click Preview.

    Click OK.

  7. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the NAS client, and then select Properties.

  8. In the Client Computer Properties dialog box, click Advanced.

  9. On the Advanced tab, select the Enable IntelliSnap check box to enable IntelliSnap backup for the client, and then click OK.

  10. From the CommCell Browser, go to NAS_client > NDMP > defaultBackupSet.

  11. Right-click the subclient, and then click Properties.

  12. On the Storage Device tab, on the Data Storage Policy sub-tab, in the Storage Policy list, click the storage policy name.

  13. To enable IntelliSnap backup for the selected subclient, on the IntelliSnap Operations tab, select IntelliSnap.

  14. From the Available Snap Engines list, select the engine that matches your snapshot type.

    For a list of available engines for your array, see Snapshot Engine.

  15. On the Content tab, click Browse and specify the content for the subclient.

    • For Dell EMC Isilon/PowerScale, / is not valid subclient content.

    • For NetApp:

      • Add full volume as the subclient content and not a sub directory or a qtree.

      • The subclient content must contain data that resides on the storage device volume. Do not include local drives as subclient content. If you added a vFiler as a client, do not include the root volume.

  16. Click OK.

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