List of Obsolete Commands
The following commands are deprecated and obsolete in this release.
qmodify galaxypassword
qlist schedulepolicy
qlist usergroup
qoperation adduser
qoperation automaticupdate
qoperation cackup
qoperation find
qoperation setpassphrase
qoperation restore
qmodify galaxypassword
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
For similar functionality, use the XML template method explained in Editing a User Using the Command Line Interface.
This command changes the password of a CommCell user. The user whose password is to be changed is provided as a command line option. The user is prompted for the current password (for security purposes) and then prompted for the new password. This command also supports the option to provide the password at the command line for scripting purposes, in which case it modifies the password silently without any user intervention.
Upon successful completion, qmodify galaxypassword displays the message "Changed user password successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "galaxypassword: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qmodify galaxypassword -u <username> [-p <password>] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-u |
User name |
-p |
Password |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
qlist schedulepolicy
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
For similar functionality, use the XML template method explained in Viewing All Schedule Policies Using the Command Line Interface.
This command lists the schedule policies configured in the CommCell. It can also be used to list schedule policies associated with a particular client, agent, instance, or subclient. When more than one schedule policy is found, the name of each schedule policy is listed in its own line. No message is displayed on the command prompt whenever schedule policies are not found.
In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "schedulepolicy: Error errorcode: errordescription"
To see the schedule policy details for all your schedule policy associations, use the XML template method explained in Viewing Details of a Schedule or Schedule Policy Using the Command Line Interface.
qlist schedulepolicy [-c <client>] [-a <iDataAgent>] [-i <instance>] [-b <backupset>] [-s <subclient>] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-c |
Client computer name |
-a |
Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
-i |
Instance name |
-b |
Backup set name |
-s |
Subclient name |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
List the schedule policy.
qlist schedulepolicy
qlist usergroup
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
For similar functionality, use the XML template method explained in Listing All User Groups Using the Command Line Interface.
This command lists all of the user groups configured in the CommCell. Whenever multiple user groups are found, the name of each user group is listed in its own line and displayed on the console. No message is displayed on the console when user groups are not found.
In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "usergroup: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qlist usergroup [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
qoperation adduser
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
For similar functionality, use the XML template method explained in Editing a User Group Using the Command Line Interface.
This command adds an existing CommCell user to an existing CommCell user group.
Upon successful completion, qoperation adduser displays the message "Added user to the group successfully" in the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "adduser: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qoperation adduser -u <user> -ug <group> [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-u |
User name |
-ug |
User group name |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Add a user user1 to group group1.
qoperation adduser -u user1 -ug group1
qoperation automaticupdate
This command is deprecated and no longer supported by the software.
You can install software and updates on specific clients from the command line using the save as script option. See Installing Commvault Software Remotely Using the CommCell Console for more information.
qoperation backup
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
Backup operations from the command line can now be performed using XML files, for example, see Backing Up Data for a Windows File System Subclient.
This command performs an immediate backup operation (full, incremental, or differential) on a given subclient. You can perform the backup operation by specifying the subclient ID or the subclient name. When providing the subclient name, the client computer name, agent type, instance name and backup set name need to be provided to identify the subclient.
The backup command accepts arguments supported through the command line from a file using the -af option. The argument file also supports advanced backup options, such as the data path option. The data path option accepts a list of MediaAgents, libraries, drive pools, and scratch pools. The drive pool and scratch pool should be provided with the name of the library to which the pools belong followed by a slash (/) and then the respective pool name.
Once the backup job is successfully initiated by the CommServe, the Job ID is returned and displayed on the console.
In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backup: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qoperation backup [-cs commserve] -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient -t Q_FULL|Q_INC|Q_DIFF|Q_SYNTH [-scid subclientId][-af argsfile][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]
-cs |
CommServe name |
-c |
Client computer name |
-a |
Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
-i |
Instance name, required for a few agents |
-b |
Backup set name, required for a few agents |
-s |
Name of the subclient to be backed up |
-scid |
ID of the subclient to be backed up. This option cannot be used to backup the subclient of Oracle On-Demand instances. |
-t |
Type of backup |
-af |
Input file containing the arguments |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Options for Sybase iDataAgent |
-c |
Client computer name |
-a |
Agent type installed on client computer |
-sc |
Name of the subclient to be backed up |
-t |
Type of backup |
-db |
The name of the Sybase databases to be used for backup |
-h |
Display help |
Argument File (Options used by all iDataAgents except Oracle)
client |
Client computer name |
dataagent |
Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
instance |
Instance name, required for a few agents |
backupset |
Backup set name, required for a few agents |
subclient |
Name of the subclient to be backed up |
backuptype |
Type of backup (see the "Supported Backup Types" section on this page.) |
options |
Backup options (see Argument Values - Backup Options) |
priority |
Job priority |
exportlocation |
Export location |
transitlocation |
Transit location |
usevms |
Use VMS |
mediastatus |
Media status |
inclevel |
Incremental level |
cumulative |
Cumulative option for QR agents |
qrexechostid |
QRExec host name for QR agents |
transportablesnap |
Transportable snap option for QR agents |
vssimportmap |
VSS import Map for QR agents |
retryno |
Number of times to retry the job |
ondemandinputfile |
Input file for on-demand backups |
alert |
alert name |
alertid |
alert ID (used by save as script) |
srctodest |
source to destination pairs |
retrytime |
Number of minutes to retry the job |
mediaagent |
Name of the MediaAgent |
library |
Name of the library |
drivepool |
List of names of drive pools (format: lib/dpool) |
scratchpool |
List of names of scratch pools (format: lib/spool) |
jobdescription |
User-defined comments regarding the job |
subclientid |
ID of the subclient to be backed up |
Argument File (Options Used by the Oracle iDataAgent)
bkuparchlogtype |
Back up archive logs based on options (see Argument Values - Backup Options) |
bkuparchlogolderthan |
Number of days |
bkuparchlognotolderthan |
Number of days |
bkuparchlogstarttime |
Log Start Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
bkuparchlogendtime |
Log End Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
bkuparchlogstartlsn |
Start Log Sequence Number |
bkuparchlogendlsn |
End Log Sequence Number |
bkuparchlogstartscn |
Start System Change Number |
bkuparchlogendscn |
End System Change Number |
bkuparchloglikeexp |
Like expression |
bkuparchlogdestination |
Destination of the archive logs |
backuptype |
Type of backup (see the "Supported Backup Types" section on this page.) |
client |
Client computer name |
dataagent |
Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
delarchlogtype |
Delete archive logs based on options (see Argument Values - Backup Options) |
delarchlogolderthan |
Number of days |
delarchlognotolderthan |
Number of days |
delarchlogstarttime |
Log Start Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
delarchlogendtime |
Log End Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
delarchlogstartlsn |
Start Log Sequence Number |
delarchlogendlsn |
End Log Sequence Number |
delarchlogstartscn |
Start System Change Number |
delarchlogendscn |
End System Change Number |
delarchloglikeexp |
Like expression |
delarchlogdestination |
Destination of the archive logs |
drivepool |
List of names of drive pools (format: lib/dpool) |
instance |
Instance name, required for a few agents |
instancescripts |
Oracle instance script name for an RMAN backup |
inclevel |
Incremental level |
jobdescription |
User-defined comments regarding the job |
subclient |
Name of the subclient to be backed up |
rmandiskratio |
RMAN Disk Ratio |
retryno |
Number of times to retry the job |
retrytime |
Number of minutes to retry the job |
maxcorruptions |
Maximum Corruption Threshold |
mediaagent |
Name of the MediaAgent |
options |
Backup options (see Argument Values - Backup Options) |
oracledatascript |
Oracle data script name for an RMAN backup |
oraclelogscript |
Oracle log script name for an RMAN backup |
priority |
Job priority |
datatype |
Oracle data type used in an RMAN backup (example: character, numeric, date/time, raw, xml, user-defined etc) |
streamcount |
Stream count for an RMAN backup |
datastreamcount |
Data stream count for an RMAN backup |
logstreamcount |
Log stream count for an RMAN backup |
library |
Name of the library |
sp |
Name of the storage policy used for an RMAN backup |
scratchpool |
List of names of scratch pools (format: lib/spool) |
rmanlogfile |
Location and name of RMAN backup output file |
subclientid |
ID of the subclient to be backed up |
Supported Backup Types
Attribute |
Description |
Full Backup |
Incremental Backup |
Differential Backup (use for DB2 delta backups) |
Synthetic Backup |
Preselected Backup (used for Exchange DB) |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Start a Full backup on the subclient sc1 under client client1, agent Q_WINDOWS_FS and backup set bs1.
E:\commandline>qoperation backup -c client1 -a Q_WINDOWS_FS -b bs1 -s sc1 -t Q_FULL 171
Start a Full backup on subclient sc1 under client test_client, for agent Q_ORACLE
E:\commandline>qoperation backup -c test_client -a Q_ORACLE -t Q_FULL -s sc1 -af /oracle/qbackup.txt
By default, SQL transaction log backups do not truncate the log. You can override this behavior and truncate the log by running the backup job with the following option:
E:\commandline>qoperation backup [-cs commserve] -c client -a Q_MSSQL -i instance -s subclient -t Q_INC [-af argsfile]
where the argument file would contain:
[options] QB_TRUNC_LOG
Multiple Stream Third Party Command Line Backups
Oracle third party command line operations running on multiple streams will share the same Job ID in the Job Manager. If all the streams return failure, then the job is marked as failed. However, if one of the streams fail, it is submitted to the other stream for completion.
Additional Information
Whenever data path parameters are provided but are either invalid or not found, the backup continues taking the data path assigned for the storage policy. QSDK.log displays a message stating that the system could not fetch the data path options from the CommServe database.
Advanced Archive Log options are supported for the Oracle iDataAgent using the argument file. The first argument must specify the type based on which the backup or deletion is to be done. Then, based on the type specified, the values must be provided. For example, if you choose a backup archive log based on the Log Sequence Number (LSN), then provide the start LSN or end LSN or both LSNs.
The subclient ID could be retrieved using the qscript GetSubClients.sql in the qoperation execscript command.
qoperation find
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
Find operations can now be performed from the command line using the qlist backupfiles command as described in qlist backupfiles.
This command performs a wildcard search for a specific file in the backed up content. This command also allows you to search data from multiple indexing cycles. For example, consider a scenario where a user has backed up the following:
*.txt files in the first cycle
*.pdf files in the second cycle
*.doc files in the third cycle
Even when the backup cycle is in a time frame beyond the third cycle, you can search the backed up data from all the three cycles without any additional input parameters.
qoperation find -af argsfile [-rf resultfile][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]
-af |
Reads arguments from an input file |
-rf |
Saves results to a file |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Argument File
server |
CommServe host name |
user |
User name (prompted if not specified) |
password |
Password (prompted if not specified) |
sourceclient |
Name of the client computer on which you want to perform search operation. |
dataagent |
Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
backupset |
Backup set name |
sourcepaths |
File/Directory to be restored (using wildcard characters) |
options |
Restore options (see Argument Values - Restore Options) |
browsefrom |
Start date/time to be considered for search operation. Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
browseto |
End data/time to be considered for search operation. Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss] |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument. 2 - Any other failure.
qoperation setpassphrase
Deprecated: This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
For similar functionality, use Privacy.
This command allows you to set the passphrase for a given client.
Encryption option should be enabled.
Media Access option should not be "via Pass-phrase"
In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "setpassphrase: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qoperation setpassphrase [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -c <client> -o <operation> [-h]
-cs |
CommServe host name |
-c |
Client computer name |
-o |
operation (create|modify) |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
To modify a pass-phrase:
qoperation setpassphrase -c "c1" -o "modify" Old Pass-Phrase: New Pass-Phrase: New Pass-Phrase Again: Modified Pass-Phrase Successfully.
If passphrase doesn't exists and user tries to modify it:
qoperation setpassphrase -c "c1" -o "modify" Old Pass-Phrase: New Pass-Phrase: New Pass-Phrase Again: setpassphrase: Error 0x13f: Pass-Phrase not exist for the client.
qoperation restore
This command can continue to be used on an "as-is" basis, but no further fixes or updates will be provided.
Restore operations from the command line can now be performed using XML files, for example, see Restoring Data for Windows File System.
This command enables a subclient/instance/file level recovery within or across client computers. If the subclient name is specified, the content of that subclient is restored. If a file path is specified, the content of the directory that has been backed up is restored. Both data and ACLs are restored where appropriate.
By default, data is restored to the source path and source client computer. Out of place restores can be achieved by specifying the destination path and destination client computer name.
This command does not support restoring the data to a mapped location.
Once the restore job is successfully initiated by the CommServe, the Job ID is returned and displayed in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "restore: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qoperation restore -sc sourceclient -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -spath sourcepath -j jobid [-dc destinationclient] [-dpath destinationpath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]
-sc |
Source client computer name from which data has to be restored. |
-a |
Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
-i |
Instance name to which subclient belongs, required for a few agents. If an iDataAgent supports instances, this option is mandatory. |
-b |
Backup set name to which subclient belongs, required for a few agents. If an iDataAgent supports backup sets, this option is mandatory. |
-spath |
File/Directory to be restored. For NAS restores on Unix, the path values must be surrounded by single quotes (for example, -spath '/abc/def'). For NAS restores on Windows, the path values must be \UNC-NT_<filer>\<volume_name>\<folder>. |
-dc |
(Optional) Destination client computer name for cross-client restores. By default, data is restored to the source client computer. |
-dpath |
(Optional) Destination path to which backed up data will be restored. By default, data is restored to the source paths. |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
-c |
Client computer name |
Options for Sybase iDataAgent |
-a |
Agent type installed on source client computer |
-i |
Instance name to which subclient belongs |
-sc |
Source client computer name from which data has to be restored |
-spath |
File/Directory to be restored |
-dc |
Destination client computer name |
-si |
Source Instance name |
-db |
The name of the Sybase databases to be restored |
-date |
The point of date from which data has to be restored |
-time |
The point of time from which data has to be restored |
-h |
Displays help |
Argument File (Options Used by all iDataAgents except Oracle)
sourceclient |
Source client computer name from which data has to be restored. |
dataagent |
Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
instance |
Instance name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents |
backupset |
Backup set name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents |
subclient |
Name of the Subclient to be restored |
sourcepaths |
File/Directory to be restored |
filterpaths |
Filter paths |
destinationclient |
(Optional) Destination client computer name for cross-client restores. By default, data is restored to the source client computer. |
destinationpath |
(Optional) Destination path to which backed up data will be restored. By default, data is restored to the source paths. |
options |
Restore options (see Argument Values - Restore Options) |
jobid |
Job ID for Restore |
level |
Number of source path levels to strip or preserve:
currentuserid |
Current User ID |
copyprecedence |
Copy precedence |
streamcount |
Stream count |
fromtime |
Restore from time. (Captures the "relative" time for index-free restores.) The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
totime |
Restore to time. (Captures the "relative" time for index-free restores.) The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
browsefrom |
Browse from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
browseto |
Browse to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
jobstatus |
Job status |
backuplevel |
Backup Level |
useageddata |
Use aged data flag |
devfileasreg |
Treat device files as Regular |
suffix |
Rename restored file |
destinationdataagent |
Destination agent name |
priority |
Job priority |
alert |
Alert name |
ondemandinputfile |
On demand restore input file |
mapfile |
Map file name |
nomapdata |
No map data flag |
onetouch |
1touch restore flag |
fullida |
Full agent restore flag |
ntuser |
Windows user name for impersonation |
ntpassword |
Windows password for impersonation |
precmd |
PreRestore command |
postcmd |
PostRestore command |
prepostuser |
Pre-Post user name |
prepostpassword |
Pre-Post password |
destinstancename |
Destination instance name (required for SQL iDataAgent) |
startsuspended |
Starts the job in suspended state |
sourcepathsfile |
Source paths file (contains list of files/directories to restore) |
retryno |
Number of times to retry the job |
retrytime |
Number of minutes to retry the job |
mediaagent |
Name of the MediaAgent |
library |
Name of the library |
drivepool |
List of names of drive pools (format: dpool or lib/dpool) |
scratchpool |
List of names of scratch pools (format: spool or lib/spool) |
jobdescription |
User-defined comments regarding the job |
restoreondevice |
Raw device node to be restored (applies to UNIX file system agents only) |
Argument File (Options Used by the Oracle iDataAgent)
sourceclient |
Source client computer name from which data has to be restored |
dataagent |
Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
dbname |
Database name of the auxiliary instance |
dbclient |
Client name of the auxiliary instance |
instance |
Instance name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents |
importoption |
Import option |
importclient |
Import client Name |
importdbname |
Import Database Name |
backupset |
Backup set name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents |
subclient |
Name of the subclient to be restored |
destinationclient |
(Optional) Destination client computer name for cross-client restores. By default, data is restored to the source client computer. |
retryNo |
Number of times to retry the restore job |
retryHours |
Number of hours to retry the restore job |
retrytime |
Number of minutes to retry the job |
precmd |
Pre restore command |
postcmd |
Post restore command |
prepostuser |
User impersonation details for running pre-post command |
prepostpassword |
User impersonation details for running pre-post command |
mediaagent |
Name of the MediaAgent |
drivepool |
List of names of drive pools (format: dpool or lib/dpool) |
library |
Name of the library |
scratchpool |
List of names of scratch pools (format: spool or lib/spool) |
startsuspended |
Start job in suspended state |
priority |
Priority of the job |
jobdescription |
User-defined comments regarding the job |
alert |
Alert name |
controlfilepath |
Control file name |
filetime |
File time |
startlsnno |
Start LSN number |
endlsnno |
End LSN number |
restorefrom |
Restore from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
restoretime |
Restore to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
restoretag |
Restore tag |
recoverfrom |
Recover from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
recovertime |
Recover to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
recoverscn |
Recover SCN |
endlogtime |
End log time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
controlfiletime |
Control file time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]. |
archivelog |
Archive log |
logtarget |
Log target |
redirectpaths |
Redirect paths |
renameall |
Rename all |
resetlogs |
Reset logs |
duplicatetoname |
Duplicate name |
duplicatetopfile |
Duplicate file |
skiptablespace |
Skip table space |
duplicatelogfile |
Duplicate log file |
options |
Restore options |
passphrase |
Pass phrase |
pffile |
Initialization parameter init<SID>.ora file for the auxiliary instance |
spfilepath |
Specifies Oracle server parameter file name and location |
stagingpath |
To store data files for auxiliary instance and complete export table before importing |
cataloguser |
Catalog connect string, user name |
catalogpassword |
Catalog connect string, password |
catalogservice |
Catalog connect string, service name |
oraclerestorescript |
Restore script for RMAN script restore |
tablerestoreoptions |
Table restore options |
tablesourcepaths |
Displays selected users and tables |
rmanlogfile |
Location and name of RMAN restore output file |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Restores the content from source client bingo to the same place.
E:\commandline>qoperation restore -sc bingo_cn -a Q_WINNET32_FS -b BS1 -spath "h:\oneTouch_drive.cvf" 76
Restore the content backed up by job ID 58.
E:\commandline>qoperation restore -sc bingo_cn -a Q_WINNET32_FS -b BS1 -j 58 77
Restore the content from source client to destination client using C:\ path
E:\commandline>qoperation restore -sc bingo_cn -a Q_WINNET32_FS -b BS1 -j 59 -dc dclient -dpath "C:\" 78
Restore the content from source client to destination path
E:\commandline>qoperation restore -sc bingo_cn -a Q_WINNET32_FS -b BS1 -spath "h:\oneTouch_drive.cvf" -dc dclient -dpath "C:\" 79