Installing Commvault Remotely Using the CommCell Console


You can install agents and other Commvault software on remote computers by using the CommCell Console.

If the Commvault software is not available in the CommServe cache directory, the software is automatically downloaded during the remote installation job.


For installations on UNIX computers, the CommCell Console supports root, non-root, and SUDO users.

Before You Begin

  • Review the Installation Support page to verify whether the software can be installed from the CommCell Console.

  • Review the prerequisites to enable installations from the CommCell Console. For more information, see Prerequisites for Installations Using the CommCell Console.

  • Prepare your environment and gather the information that you must provide during the installation:

  • Determine whether you want to save the selections that you make during the installation in a script so that you can run it later from the command-line interface.

  • If you plan to use SSH keys to authenticate logon attempts on UNIX computers, you must create an SSH key pair (private and public keys) and store the key files as follows:

    • The private key file must be on the CommServe computer or on a location that is accessible by the CommServe computer.

    • The public key file must be on each of the UNIX computers where you plan to install the Commvault software.


      • SSH keys are only supported in PuTTY format. If you have OpenSSH keys, you can use PuTTYgen to convert the keys to PuTTY format.

      • The key file names must not have any spaces in them.


  1. Open the CommCell Console.

    For instructions, see Opening the CommCell Console.

  2. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Tools tab, click Add/Remove Software > Install Software.

    The Install Wizard opens.

  3. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.


  4. On the Summary page, choose whether to save the installation as a script:

    • To run the installation job, click Finish.

      Based on your selections, the job runs immediately, or the job is scheduled to run at the time you configured.



    • To save the installation as a script, complete the following steps:

      1. Click Save as Script.

      2. In the Save as Script dialog box, from the Client list, select the client computer where you want to save the script.

        The client computer must be able to establish connections with the computers that you plan to install the software on.

      3. In the File Path box, specify the location where you want to save the script.

      4. If the user who is logged onto the CommCell Console does not have sufficient privileges to perform the Save as Script operation, click Use a different user account and enter the name and password of a user account with sufficient privileges.

      5. Click OK.

        The script is saved as an .xml file and a .bat file on the client you selected. If a file with the same name exists in the specified location, the .xml file is created with a timestamp. The .bat file overwrites any existing .bat file.

        To run the script from the command-line interface, see Running the Remote Installation Script from the Command Line.

What To Do Next

  1. Review the tasks that you must perform after the installation:

  2. Optional: if you are a user with administrative rights in the CommCell environment, you can generate a report that summarizes all the installation jobs that ran in the CommCell Console.

    • From the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Reports tab and then click Summary.

    • In the Report Selection dialog box, on the General tab, click Administrative Jobs > Install/Upgrade/Remove/Repair Software, and then click Run.

      For more information on the report, see Administrative Job Summary Report.

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