Library Operations - Overview



The following sections describe the various library operations that can be performed from the CommCell Console. The chapter organization follows the order in which these operations are displayed in the CommCell Console. Keep in mind that a general set of library operations are listed in this chapter. These operation are applicable for tape library with barcode readers which are configured as direct-attached libraries, direct-attached shared libraries or libraries configured in a SAN environment. Some of these operations may not be applicable for other types of libraries, such as libraries without barcode readers (blind libraries), stand-alone drives, etc. For specific information on other libraries, refer to the following topics:

Export Media

Exporting is the process by which you physically remove one or more media from a library.

For comprehensive information on exporting media, see Export Media.

Import Media

Importing is the process by which you move media that are outside a library into storage slots within the library.

For comprehensive information on importing media, see, Import Media.

Import Cleaning Media

When you import a cleaning media, the system automatically assigns it to the cleaning media pool. For comprehensive information on cleaning media, see Cleaning Media.

Discover Media

Before using a new media, the MediaAgent software must collect certain information about it through a process known as discovery.

For comprehensive information on discovering media, see Discover Media.

Discover Cleaning Media

When you discover cleaning media, the system automatically assigns it to the Cleaning Media pool.

For comprehensive information on discovering media, see Discover Media.

For comprehensive information on cleaning media, see Cleaning Media.

Set Media Location

This option allows you to define media locations in bulk.

For comprehensive information, see Set Media Location.

Reset Library

You can use the Reset command when you wish to unmount all the media mounted in the drives, and reset all the drives so that they are ready for use.

For comprehensive information on Resetting a library see Reset Library.

Mark Library Fixed

Use the Mark Library Fixed option, to reset the counters that keep track of library events and bring the library online.

See Library Maintenance Threshold Parameters for information on setting up the threshold values for the library.

For more information, see Marking a Library Fixed.

Mark Media Exported

Use this feature to mark all the media in a library or in all the libraries as exported.

For comprehensive information on exporting media, see Export Media.

Update Barcodes

The ability to update barcodes associated with the media ensures that the data available in the media is accessible.

For comprehensive information on updating barcodes, see Update Media Barcodes.

When this operation is performed at the library level, all the barcodes associated with media in the library is modified. Barcodes associated with the individual media can also be modified by selecting the specific media from the appropriate Media Group in the library.

Full Scan

Full Scan operation identifies the slot location and barcode or media identifier of every media detected within the library.

For comprehensive information on Full Scan Operation, see Full Scan.

Clean Drive

Use this option to concurrently start the clean drives operation on several drives. For a detailed discussion on this option and drive cleaning in general, see Drive Cleaning. You can also start the clean drive operation for a specific drive from the drive level.

Erase Spare Media

The erase spare media operation ensures that old data from removable media (tapes) are not recoverable once the media is recycled.

For comprehensive information on erasing spare media, see Erase Spare Media.

Audit Trail

Operations performed with this feature are recorded in the Audit Trail. See Audit Trail for more information.

The following Media Management Library Management alerts can be configured from the Alerts Wizard:

  • Insufficient Storage

  • Maintenance Occurred

  • Maintenance Required

  • Media Handling Required

  • Media Mount and Usage Errors

  • User Overwrite of Media

  • Media Ready in Mail Slot

  • Media Recalled

For more information, see: