Reset Library


You can use the Reset command when you wish to unmount all the media mounted in the drives, and reset all the drives so that they are ready for use. The reset library option is especially useful when you have stuck tapes in the drives. Note however, that the reset library operation is library dependant and hence not the same for all the library models.

Reset library causes the system to perform the following operations:

  • The library status is marked as offline

  • Within the library, all the media mounted in its drives are unmounted

  • In some situations an inventory process may be triggered, and once the inventory process is completed, the library status is marked back as online.

Reset library operation will fail if there are jobs running on this library.


  1. Be certain that the library that you want to reset is not in use. Use the Job Controller to find and stop/kill any jobs that use the library. For more information, see Controlling Jobs in the Job Controller.

  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library that you want to reset, and then click Reset Library.

  3. A Confirm Reset prompt appears, informing you that this procedure will unmount any media that are mounted, an operation which may take some time. If you are sure that you want to reset the library, click Yes.

    If any drive within the library is active, an error message will be displayed.

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