This command returns the job ID, type, phase, status, failure reason, and user-defined description for a specific job ID or for all of the active jobs under a client, agent, instance, backup set, or subclient.
You can filter jobs based on the job type or status. When more than one job is found, the jobs are listed one job per line. "No jobs to display" is returned when no jobs match the filter criteria.
In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "job: Error errorcode: errordescription".
qlist job [-cs commserve_host_name] [-co i|o|s|p|r|d|c] [-j jobid] [-jt jobtype] [-js Running|Suspended|Waiting|Pending] [-c client] [-a iDataAgentType] [-i instance] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-waitForJobComplete] [-waitTimeoutSecs waitTimeoutSecs] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h] [-af argsfile]
Use the -jt jobtype option to specify the type of job to return, for example -jt restore returns restore jobs.
-cs |
CommServe host name |
-co |
Columns to return. By default, all columns are enabled except the Failure/Pending Reason column. Use the following column codes with the -co option:
-j |
Job ID When a job ID is specified, the job details are displayed regardless of the job status. When -j is not used or when you query jobs based on client, agent, instance, backup set, or subclient, only active jobs are displayed. |
-jt |
Filters the jobs by type. Valid values are:
-js |
Filters the jobs by status. Valid values are:
-c |
Client computer name |
-a |
Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types). |
-i |
Instance name |
-b |
Backup set name |
-s |
Subclient name |
-waitForJobComplete |
Waits indefinitely until the job completes. If the operation returns error code 0x205, retry the operation. This option must be used with the -j option. To define a specific wait period, use this option with the -waitTimeoutSecs option. |
-waitTimeoutSecs |
Use with the -waitForJobComplete option. Waits the specified seconds for the job to complete. If the job does not complete within the specified seconds, the current status of the job is returned. |
-format |
Defines the type of output. To see how -format affects the output, see the Examples section. Use this option with the -file option to save the output as a file. Valid values are:
-file |
The path and file name where the output is saved. To specify the format, use the -format option. If -format is not used, the file is saved in the tab format. To see how -format affects the output, see the Examples section. |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
-af |
Reads arguments from a file |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Lists the active jobs in XML format:
E:\commandline>qlist job -format xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><GalaxyUtilities_QGetJobsRespMsg pendingJobs="0" queuedJobs="0" runningJobs="1" suspendedJobs="0" waitingJobs="0"><error errorCode="0" errorString=""/><header build="0" hostName="" osType="0" version=""/><jobs appName="Default Application Type Name" backupLevel="Unknown" backupSetName="" clientName="" completePercentage="0" description="" destclientName="" instanceName="" jobId="184" jobPhase="Data Aging" jobStatus="Running" jobType="Prune" subclientName=""/></GalaxyUtilities_QGetJobsRespMsg>
Lists the details for a specific job ID in tab format:
E:\commandline>qlist job -j 160 JOBID OPERATION STATUS PHASE JOB DESCRIPTION COMPLETE PERCENTAGE ----- --------- ------- ----- --------------- -------------------- 160 Backup Running Scan 25
Lists the job ID and status for a specific job ID in tab format:
E:\commandline>qlist job -j 160 -co is JOBID STATUS ----- ------- 160 Running
Displays the failure/pending reason for a job in tab format:
E:\commandline>qlist job -j 160 -co r FAILURE REASON -------------- 13187897 Message for job failure/pending reasons: 160 13187897 -> Job has been killed by the user