This operation runs a backup job for a subclient or a backup set.
POST <webservice>/CreateTask HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <create_task_template_backup.xml>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Download the create_task_template_backup.xml file required for this request. The following table displays the parameters for the create_task_template_backup.xml file.
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
_type_ |
The entity where the backup is initiated. Valid values are:
associations |
taskInfo |
appName |
The name of the application. Valid values are:
associations |
taskInfo |
applicationId |
The ID of the application. Valid values are:
associations |
taskInfo |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
associations |
taskInfo |
backupsetId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the backup set. |
associations |
taskInfo |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
associations |
taskInfo |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client. |
associations |
taskInfo |
commCellId |
The CommCell ID of the CommServe. |
associations |
taskInfo |
instanceName |
The name of the instance, for example: DefaultInstanceName. |
associations |
taskInfo |
instanceId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the instance. |
associations |
taskInfo |
subclientName |
The name of the subclient. To update all of the subclients for a backup set, do not use the subclientName parameter. |
associations |
taskInfo |
subclientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the subclient. |
associations |
taskInfo |
backupLevel |
The type of backup to perform. Valid values are:
backupOpts |
options |
collectMetaInfo |
The option to collect file and folder metadata to enable granular recovery. By default this is true for full and streaming backups and false for IntelliSnap and incremental backups. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
doNotTruncateLog |
The option to not truncate the logs. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
incLevel |
The option to run an incremental backup before or after a synthetic full backup. Use the incLevel parameter with the runIncrementalBackup parameter. Valid values are:
backupOpts |
options |
isSpHasInLineCopy |
Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
runIncrementalBackup |
The option to run an incremental backup with a synthetic full backup. Use the backupLevel parameter to define the type of backup. Use the incLevel parameter to define the order in which the incremental and synthetic full backups are run. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
runSILOBackup |
The option to run a SILO backup. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp |
The option to skip a full backup for new Sybase databases after a log backup. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
truncateLogsOnSource |
The option to truncate logs on source. Valid values are True/False. |
backupOpts |
options |
createNewIndex |
SAP Oracle: The option to create a new index. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
enableIndexCheckPointing |
The option to enable index check pointing. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
enforceTransactionLogUsage |
The option to use the transaction logs for granular restarts. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
followMountPoints |
The option to back up the data in the mount point. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup |
The option to skip the catalog phase for snap backups. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
skipConsistencyCheck |
The option to skip the consistency check. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
spaceReclamation |
The option to check for deleted stubs. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
verifySynthFull |
The option to verify the synthetic full backup. Valid values are True/False. |
dataOpt |
backupOpts |
backupFailedVMsOnly |
The option to include only VMs that failed to back up in a previous job. Valid values are True/False. |
vsaBackupOptions |
backupOpts |
driveId |
The code for the drive used to perform the backup operation. |
drive |
dataPathOpt |
drivePoolId |
The code for the drive pool used to perform the backup operation. |
drivePool |
dataPathOpt |
libraryId |
The code for the library used to perform the backup operation. |
library |
dataPathOpt |
mediaAgentId |
The code for the MediaAgent used to perform the backup operation. |
mediaAgent |
dataPathOpt |
spareMediaGroupId |
spareGroup |
dataPathOpt |
allowOtherSchedulesToUseMediaSet |
The option to allow jobs that are part of a schedule and that use a specific storage policy to start new media. This option prevents other jobs from writing to the media. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
markMediaFullOnSuccess |
The option to mark the media full two minutes after the completion of the backup operation. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
numberofDays |
The number of days to keep the job. Use this parameter when the retentionJobType parameter is set to "NO_OF_DAYS." |
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
reserveResourcesBeforeScan |
The option to reserve the media before the scan phase instead of before the operation phase. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
retentionJobType |
The option to set job retention. Valid values are:
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
startNewMedia |
The option to start the backup operation on new media. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaOpt |
backupOpts |
excludeMediaNotCopied |
The option to exclude media with jobs that need to be copied. Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
exportMediaAfterJobFinishes |
The option to export the media after the job is complete. Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
filterMediaByRetention |
The option to filter media by extended retention. Use this parameter with the mediaWithExtendedRetentionJobs parameter. Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
mediaWithExtendedRetentionJobs |
The option to specify whether media with at least one extended retention job or media with no extended retention will be exported. Use this parameter when the filterMediaByRetention parameter is set to "true." Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
trackTransit |
The option to track transit information. Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
useVirtualMailSlots |
The option to store exported media in virtual mail slots. Valid values are True/False. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
exportLocation |
The export location. Export locations are defined in Storage Resources > Locations. |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
inTransitLocation |
vaultTrackerOpt |
backupOpts |
active |
The option to export and track media with an "active" status. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaStatus |
vaultTrackerOpt |
all |
The option to export and track all media. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaStatus |
vaultTrackerOpt |
bad |
The option to export and track media with a "bad" status. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaStatus |
vaultTrackerOpt |
full |
The option to export and track media with a "full" status. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaStatus |
vaultTrackerOpt |
overwriteProtected |
The option to export and track media with a "read-only" status. Valid values are True/False. |
mediaStatus |
vaultTrackerOpt |
jobDescription |
commonOpts |
options |
enableNumberOfRetries |
The option to enable retrying the job. When this parameter is set to "true," use the numberOfRetries parameter to set the number of tries. Valid values are True/False. |
jobRetryOpts |
commonOpts |
killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires |
The option to kill the job when the total running time elapses, even if the job is in a "Running" state. The total running time is in the totalRunningTime parameter. Use this parameter with the enableTotalRunningTime parameter. Valid values are True/False. |
jobRetryOpts |
commonOpts |
numberOfRetries |
The number of times that Job Manager attempts to restart the job. Use this parameter when the enableNumberOfRetries parameter is set to "true." |
jobRetryOpts |
commonOpts |
enableTotalRunningTime |
The option to kill the job when the total running time elapses and the job is not in a "Running" state. Use this parameter with the totalRunningTime parameter. To override the "Running" state restriction, use this parameter with the killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires parameter. Valid values are True/False. |
runningTime |
jobRetryOpts |
totalRunningTime |
The maximum elapsed time, in hours and minutes, that the job should exist before it is killed. (Jobs in a "Running" state are not killed even after the time elapses unless the killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires parameter is set to "true.") Use this parameter when the enableTotalRunningTime parameter is set to "true." The format of the time is HH:MM:SS. For example, 01:05:00 is one hour, five minutes, and no seconds. |
runningTime |
jobRetryOpts |
priority |
The priority of the job. The highest priority is zero and the lowest priority is 999. |
startUpOpts |
commonOpts |
startInSuspendedState |
The option to start the job in a suspended state. The suspended job cannot run until it is manually resumed. Valid values are True/False. |
startUpOpts |
commonOpts |
useDefaultPriority |
The option to use the default priority for the job. Valid values are True/False. |
startUpOpts |
commonOpts |
active_end_date |
The end date of the schedule specified in the UNIX timestamp format. The timestamp is always the beginning of the day (00:00 hours) for the specified date. |
pattern |
subTasks |
active_end_occurence |
The number of times you want to repeat the schedule. |
pattern |
subTasks |
active_end_time |
The end time of the schedule specified in seconds. |
pattern |
subTasks |
active_start_date |
The start date of the schedule specified in UNIX timestamp format. The timestamp is always the beginning of the day (00:00 hours) for the specified date. |
pattern |
subTasks |
active_start_time |
The start time of the schedule specified in seconds. |
pattern |
subTasks |
description |
The description of the schedule pattern, for example, Every year on day 10 of January at 12:00 AM starting December 16, 2013 and repeats every 0 hr(s) 0 min(s) until 12:00 AM. |
pattern |
subTasks |
flags |
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_interval |
The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_recurrence_factor |
The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_relative_interval |
The meaning of this parameter changes based on the value of the freq_type parameter:
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_restart_interval |
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_subday_interval |
The time interval to repeat the schedule. |
pattern |
subTasks |
freq_type |
Indicates how often the schedule is run. Valid values are:
pattern |
subTasks |
name |
pattern |
subTasks |
patternId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the schedule pattern. |
pattern |
subTasks |
calendarId |
The code for the calendar, for example, 1. |
calendar |
pattern |
calendarName |
The name of the calendar, for example, Standard. |
calendar |
pattern |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday |
The days of the week defined for a weekly schedule. Valid values are True/False. |
daysToRun |
pattern |
day |
The day of the week defined for a monthly schedule. Use this parameter with the week parameter. Valid values are:
daysToRun |
pattern |
week |
The week defined for a monthly schedule. Use this parameter with the day parameter. Valid values are:
daysToRun |
pattern |
onDayNumber |
The specific day of the month defined for a monthly schedule. Valid values are 1 through 31. |
daysToRun |
pattern |
exception |
The option to set an exception for a repeating schedule. Multiple exceptions can be added for the repeating schedule: <repeatPattern exception="true" occurrence="1" onDay="1" onDayNumber="0"/> Use the occurrence and the onDay or the onDayNumber parameters to define the exception. Valid values are True/False. |
repeatPattern |
pattern |
occurrence |
The ordinal numbers indicating when the exception to a repeating schedule occurs. Use this parameter with the onDay parameter or the onDayNumber parameter. Valid values are:
repeatPattern |
pattern |
onDay |
The day of the week indicating when the exception to a repeating schedule occurs. Use this parameter with the occurrence parameter. Valid values are:
repeatPattern |
pattern |
onDayNumber |
The days of the month indicating when the exception to a repeating schedule occurs. Use this parameter with the occurrence parameter. Valid values are the sum of the bit form values assigned to the days of the month. The bit form values are calculated as follows:
repeatPattern |
pattern |
TimeZoneName |
If the taskType parameter equals SCHEDULE, a schedule pattern must be set. The name of the time zone. Sample values:
TimeZone |
pattern |
TimeZoneId |
The ID of the time zone to associate with the schedule. For a list of valid values, see Time Zone IDs and Names. |
TimeZone |
pattern |
subTaskName |
The name of the schedule if the taskType parameter equals SCHEDULE. |
subTask |
subTasks |
operationType |
The type of operation. Valid value is BACKUP. |
subTask |
subTasks |
subTaskType |
The type of subtask. Valid value is BACKUP. |
subTask |
subTasks |
initiatedFrom |
Valid values are:
task |
taskInfo |
policyType |
Valid value is DATA_PROTECTION. |
task |
taskInfo |
sequenceNumber |
A user-defined number other than zero. |
task |
subTasks |
taskId |
task |
taskInfo |
taskType |
The option to schedule the task or to run the task immediately. Valid values are:
task |
taskInfo |
alertId |
The ID of the alert to associate with the schedule. |
alert |
task |
alertName |
The name of the alert to associate with the schedule. |
alert |
task |
disabled |
Valid values are True/False. |
taskFlags |
task |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
taskId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the task. |
TMMsg_CreateTaskResp |
val |
The system-generated ID assigned to the job. |
jobIds |
Sample Request
This request starts an immediate backup job.
POST <webservice>/CreateTask HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<associations _type_="SUBCLIENT_ENTITY" appName="File System" applicationId="33" backupsetName="defaultBackupSet" clientName="client001" commCellId="0" subbclientName="default" />
<backupOpts backupLevel="FULL" doNotTruncateLog="false" isSpHasInLineCopy="false" runIncrementalBackup="true" runSILOBackup="false" sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp="false" truncateLogsOnSource="false">
<dataOpt createNewIndex="false" enableIndexCheckPointing="false" enforceTransactionLogUsage="false" followMountPoints="true" skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup="false" skipConsistencyCheck="false" spaceReclamation="false" verifySynthFull="false" />
<drive driveId="0" />
<drivePool drivePoolId="0" />
<library libraryId="0" />
<mediaAgent mediaAgentId="0" />
<spareGroup spareMediaGroupId="0" />
<mediaOpt allowOtherSchedulesToUseMediaSet="true" markMediaFullOnSuccess="false" numberofDays="30" reserveResourcesBeforeScan="false"
retentionJobType="2" startNewMedia="true" />
<commonOpts jobDescription="">
<jobRetryOpts enableNumberOfRetries="false" killRunningJobWhenTotalRunningTimeExpires="false" numberOfRetries="0">
<runningTime enableTotalRunningTime="false" totalRunningTime="3600" />
<startUpOpts priority="166" startInSuspendedState="false" useDefaultPriority="true" />
<subTask operationType="2" subTaskType="2" />
<task initiatedFrom="COMMANDLINE" policyType="DATA_PROTECTION" sequenceNumber="10" taskId="0" taskType="IMMEDIATE">
<taskFlags disabled="false"/>
This request schedules a backup job.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<associations _type_="" appName="Virtual Server" applicationId="106" backupsetName="defaultBackupSet" backupsetId="190" clientName="client001" clientId="89" commCellId="" instanceName="VMware" instanceId="100" subclientName="default" subclientId="11" />
<backupOpts backupLevel="Incremental" collectMetaInfo="true" doNotTruncateLog="false" incLevel="BEFORE_SYNTH" isSpHasInLineCopy="" runIncrementalBackup="true" runSILOBackup="" sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp="false" truncateLogsOnSource="false">
<dataOpt createNewIndex="true" enableIndexCheckPointing="" enforceTransactionLogUsage="false" followMountPoints="true" skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup="" skipConsistencyCheck="false" spaceReclamation="" verifySynthFull="" />
<pattern active_end_occurence="0" active_end_time="00:00:00" active_start_date="2016-05-03 00:00:00" active_start_time="21:00:00" description="Every week on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday at 9:00 PM starting May 2, 2016 " freq_interval="62" freq_recurrence_factor="1" freq_relative_interval="0" freq_subday_interval="0" freq_type="weekly">
<calendar calendarId="1" calendarName="standard"/>
<daysToRun Monday="true" Tuesday="true" Wednesday="true" Thursday="true" Friday="true" />
<timeZone TimeZoneId="100" TimeZoneName="(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time"/>
<subTask operationType="2" subTaskType="2" subTaskName="test_schedule_1" />
<task initiatedFrom="COMMANDLINE" policyType="DATA_PROTECTION" sequenceNumber="10" taskId="0" taskType="SCHEDULE">
<taskFlags disabled="false"/>
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<TMMsg_CreateTaskResp taskId="6441">
<jobIds val="40983" />