SAP for Oracle Agent FAQ


Can we protect data on non-global zones if the File System iDataAgent is installed only on the global zone?

Yes. We can protect file system data on non-global zones if the File System iDataAgent is installed only on the global zone. However, in order to enable consistent backups of application specific data on the non-global zones, you will need to install the corresponding application specific iDataAgent on the non-global zone.

How do we protect SAP on Oracle data on a non-global zone?

In order to enable consistent backups of SAP on Oracle data on a non-global zone, you need to install the SAP for Oracle Agent on the non-global zone.

Can I perform the multi streamed backups if the data is distributed across several physical volumes?

Yes. You can perform the multi streamed backups if the data is distributed across several physical volumes.

However, since arbitration is done taking the disk slices or partitions as Physical Volumes, when multiple slices are present on the same hard-disk, each of those is considered as a separate physical volume and arbitrated. When more than one stream tries to read from the same hard-disk (even if it contains multiple physical volumes), the performance may be slow. By default, if the data is distributed across several physical volumes, an efficient file arbitration is in effect and an improved throughput is anticipated.

You can configure the sCLASSIC_ARBITRATION additional setting to disable the traditional way of disk arbitration. If you set this additional setting to Y, the multi-streamed backups backint interface parent arbitrates the files sequentially to its children.

Can I perform a log only backup from RMAN command line without selecting a log storage policy?

Yes. the log storage policy that is configured at instance level is automatically selected when you perform a log only backup from RMAN command line.

What does "Job Completed with Errors" mean?

If the backup job gets killed while backing up some data, then the job status is shown as "Job Completed with Errors".

Does the SAP for Oracle agent support ASM and raw devices?

Yes, ASM and raw devices are supported only if RMAN_UTIL device interface is used for backups. They are not supported for other device interfaces like UTIL_FILE and UTIL_FILE_ONLINE.

How do I enable SAP for Oracle Tracing?

Follow these steps to enable SAP for Oracle Tracing.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the <Client> to be configured and then click Properties.

  3. Click Advanced.

  4. Click the Additional Settings tab and then click Add.

  5. In the Name field, type nTRCBACKINT.

  6. In the Value field, type 11.

  7. Click OK to save the additional setting.

  8. Click OK.

Does the Sap for Oracle Agent support backups of multiple archive log destinations?

No, BR*Tools supports backing up archive logs from the default location. If multiple archive log destinations are configured, BRTools only backs up the archive logs from the first destination.

What is the SAP recov_interval parameter used for?

The SAP recov_interval is set in the init<SID>.sap profile file and defines the time interval that the BRRESTORE and BRRECOVER commands search for the data and log backup details files in the summary file. By default, this value is 30 days.

Set this parameter based on your restore and recover options. For example, if you want to restore a log sequence number that was generated n days ago, you must set the SAP recov_interval parameter to the following in the init<SID>.sap file.

recov_interval >= n days

For example, if you wanted to set the value to 120 day, use the following:

recov_interval = 120 days

Note: If this interval is not set correctly, the BRRESTORE or BRRECOVER commands will not find the backups, and you will receive the following SAP error in the BRRESTORE logs:

BR0439E No offline redolog files found in /orahome/app/oracle11g/product/dbhome_1/TRD/saparch/archTRD.log for processing for device type TAPE/BACKINT/RMAN in recovery interval of 30 days
BR0435E Last successful backup not found in /orahome/app/oracle11g/product/dbhome_1/TRD/sapbackup/backTRD.log in recovery interval of 30 days

Can archive logs be deleted based on how old the archive log is?

If you use the RMAN_UTIL interface, you can use the native RMAN archived redo log deletion policy. For information, go to the SAP Help website, archived redo log deletion policy.

If you use the util_file or util_file_online options, you can delete the log the logs after they are backed up, or you can create a secondary copy of the logs and then delete the logs. For more information on this subclient configuration, see Subclient Properties.

If you use the util_file third party command line, see Backup Archive Logs for more information.

Is the CvOraSbtParams value in the file overwritten when a Commvault CommCell Console backup that uses the RMAN_Util device type runs?

Yes, the CvOraSbtParams environment variable that you specify in the init<SID>.sap file is deleted when a Commvault CommCell Console backup that uses the RMAN_Util device type runs.

Can warnings from BR*Tools that are generated for CommCell Console backup jobs be ignored?

Yes, you can set an additional setting to ignore the BR*Tools warnings and mark CommCell Console backup jobs as Completed instead of Completed with one or more warnings when BR*Tools warnings are observed. For information on how to set the additional setting, see Ignoring BR*Tools Warnings for SAP for Oracle CommCell Console Jobs.

Are there additional steps to take when the Agent is installed on an existing client?

If you install the agent on an existing client, you must run the cvpkgchg command to update the group permissions after you install the agent. You can use this command to set the group permissions to the correct level, which prevents the backup job from failing. For information on how to change the group permissions, see Changing UNIX Groups and Permissions on UNIX Clients.

Can I use jobs that have different device types for a database copy?

Do not use jobs that have different device type, for example a data backup that uses the util_file device type and a log backup that uses the rman_util device type, to perform a database copy.

Can I associate a single subclient that contains data and log files to a schedule policy that has schedules for regular incremental backups and automatic log backups?

We recommend that you associate the instance that contains the subclient (instead of the subclient) to automatic schedules because a subclient that is associated with regular incremental and automatic schedules might cause a scheduled incremental job to be converted to a full backup if there is an automated log job that happens between the incremental schedules.

Can I restore SAP Oracle log backups jobs completed with error, using GUI/CC?

No, you cannot restore SAP Oracle log backups jobs completed with error, using GUI/CC. The SAP Oracle logs backups that are completed with errors during config phase. From GUI/CC, the backup issue can be restored using command line brrestore procedure or using the restore to disk feature by selecting the jobs completed with error.

What do I do if my database copy restore fails after a control file restore?

When you use BR*Tools 7.40 patch level 24 or patch level 25, if you perform a control file restore, then the control file might not be renamed so there might be issues with a subsequent database copy restore. Upgrade to patch level 26 to address this issue. For more information, see SAP Note #2358969.

What version of BR*Tools do I need if I do not want to open the database after an out-of-place restore?

If you do not want to open the database after the restore (Restore Options dialog box, Options tab, clear the Open DB check box), then you must use BR*Tools 7.40 patch 30 or higher.

How many backup cycles are available for CommCell Console Archive Log Backups?

Archive log backups that you initiate from the CommCell Console use BRARCHIVE with the -OSC syntax and only permit one backup cycle. For more information, see the SAP note 214370, SAP NOTE 214370.

How is the number of streams used for a SAP for Oracle snapshot, backup copy, or auxiliary copy restore determined?

Snapshot restores of the database may run with fewer streams than the number of streams you choose. This is because the number of streams for a snapshot restore is determined by the number of files to be restored. The snapshot restore procedure makes the best effort to increase the number of streams used for the restore and to therefore reduce the restore time. However, it is limited by the number of files to be restored. A restore of a log file snapshot is limited to one stream, since log files are relatively small.

The number of streams used for a restore from a backup copy or auxiliary copy is the lesser of the following criteria:

  • The number of streams used to make the backup copy or auxiliary copy

  • The number of streams you specify in the GUI used to start the restore

Can I upgrade an SAP for Oracle client with Indexing Version 2?

No. Starting Commvault Platform Release 2023, SAP for Oracle iDA supports Indexing Version 2. If you upgrade SAP for Oracle clients with Indexing Version 2 to Commvault Platform Release 2023 or a higher version using the UpgradeToIndexingV2 workflow, you must not downgrade the clients to an older service pack.

Can Backups with util_file_online device work when SAP backup directory does not exist under default SAPDATA HOME path?

No. For Util_file_online device jobs, SAP creates the required .swicth* files under default SAP backup directory of SAPDATA HOME path. In environments where SAP backup directory does not exist under default SAPDATA home path, set SAPSWITCH environment (any existing directory where user can create files) in the system environment of the SAP Oracle application user, and restart the Commvault services. This helps with util_file_online device jobs.

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