TapeTool - Windows Command Line


Use the TapeTool command to troubleshoot media in the library and run performance testing on the mounted media.

You can perform the following functions when you run the TapeTool command:

  • Writing Data to a Specified Directory

  • Reading Data from a Specified Media Directory

  • Reading Media Label Information

  • Formatting the Media

  • Setting the Tape Tension

  • Initializing the tape

If you prefer, you can use the user-interface version of this tool. For more information, see TapeTool - Windows.

Parameters for TapeTool Command

The following tables lists the common parameters that all TapeTool commands use. Any action-specific parameters are listed in the topic for the action.




Specifies the data transfer mode


Use SCSI calls to transfer data to the media.


Use Windows API to transfer data to the media.


Specifies the media name.

TapeTool Commands

The following table lists the actions supported by the TapeTool commands.

Actions (Commands)


Write data to a specified directory (-w)

Writes the data to the media directory.

Read data from a specified directory (-r)

Reads the data from the media directory.

Read media label information (-l)

Reads the label information from the media.

Format the media (-f)

Formats the media.

Set the tape tension (-t)

Re-sets the tension of the tape.

Initialize the tape (-i)

Initializes a handle for the media device.

Writing Data to a Specified Directory

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-w> <mountpoint> <fileMark> <MBtoWrite> <HWCompression> <path of the file>


  • fileMark: The location of the file mark that indicates where the reading begins.

  • MBtoWrite: The amount of data, in megabytes, to be stored on the tape.

  • HWCompression: Compresses data when written to the tape.

  • path of the file: The fully qualified name of the file written to the tape.

TapeTool SCSI -w tape0 1 80 1 c:\winnt\test.bin (Mountpoint = tape0, fileMark to start = 1, MBtowrite = 80, HW compression =1 path of the file = test.bin )
Reading Data from a Specified Media Directory

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-r> <mountpoint> <fileMarkStart> <fileMarkEnd> <block size>


  • fileMarkStart: The location of the file mark that indicates where the reading begins.

  • fileMarkEnd: The location of the file mark that indicates where the reading ends.

TapeTool WIN -r tape0 1 4 64 (Mountpoint = tape0, fileMark to start = 1 filemarkend =4 block size = 64KB )
Reading Media Label Information

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-l> <mountpoint> <block size>


  • block size: The data block size, which is used to write to the media and is measured in KB.
TapeTool SCSI -l tape0 64 (Mountpoint = tape0 block size = 64KB)
Formatting the Media

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-f> <mountpoint> <block size>


  • block size: The data block size, which is used to write to the media and is measured in KB.
TapeTool WIN -f tape0 64 (Mount point = tape0, Block size in terms of KB =64)
Setting the Tape Tension

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-t> <mountpoint>

TapeTool WIN -f tape0 64 (Mount point = tape0)
Tape Initialization

On the command prompt go to the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder, and type the following command.

TapeTool <SCSI/WIN> <-i> <mountpoint>

TapeTool SCSI -i tape0 (Mount point = tape0)