Uninstalling Commvault Locally from Windows Clients


You can uninstall Commvault packages from a client or MediaAgent computer.

You can use one of the following methods:

  • Interactive uninstallation using the Windows Control Panel.

  • Unattended (silent) uninstallation by running a command from the command line.


To uninstall the CommServe package, see Uninstalling the CommServe Software.

Before You Begin

You should review some preparation tasks for the software package that you want to uninstall. For more information, see Prepare to Uninstall Commvault from Client and MediaAgent Computers.


You can uninstall the software interactively or unattended (that is, silently).

Interactive Uninstallation

  1. Log on to the computer as an Administrator or as a member of the Administrator group on that computer.

  2. Open the Control Panel, and then find the option to uninstall programs based on your Windows operating system.

    For example, for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 7 computers, open the Control Panel, and under the Programs section, click Uninstall a program.

  3. From the list of programs, click Commvault ContentStore and then click Uninstall.

    The uninstallation wizard opens.


    If there are multiple instances installed on the client, the Instance selection page is displayed. Select the instance from where you want to uninstall the software and then proceed to the next page.

  4. On the Select Uninstallation Option page, choose how you want to uninstall packages as follows:

    • To uninstall all packages, click Uninstall all packages in the instance and then proceed to the next page.

    • To uninstall specific packages, do the following:

      1. Click Uninstall only selected packages and then proceed to the next page.

      2. On the Select Packages to Uninstall page, select the packages that you want to uninstall and then proceed to the next page.


        If you select the File System Core, all Commvault packages will be uninstalled. Commvault packages are dependent on the File System Core.

      3. If the client cannot communicate with the CommServe computer, click Uninstall all packages locally to perform a decoupled uninstallation (that is, the software will be removed from the client without contacting the CommServe computer). After the uninstallation, you must deconfigure the client.

  5. On the Uninstall Summary page, review the information and then proceed to the next page.


    If the client cannot communicate with the CommServe computer, the program allows you to proceed with the uninstallation without contacting the CommServe computer. This operation is called decoupled uninstallation. After the uninstallation, you must deconfigure the client.

  6. On the Uninstallation Status page, click Finish.

    If you uninstalled all packages, the client is displayed as unavailable in the CommCell Browser pane of the CommCell Console.


    If the uninstallation failed with a registry-related error, see the KB article INS0017: Uninstallation Error: Setup failed to retrieve registry info article to troubleshoot the error.

Unattended Uninstallation

  1. Log on to the computer as an Administrator or as a member of the Administrator group on that computer.

  2. At the command line, go to the location where you stored the installation package and then locate the Setup.exe file.

  3. Choose which packages you want to uninstall, as follows:

    • To uninstall all packages, run the following command:

      Setup.exe /uninstall /silent /instance InstanceNNN

    • To uninstall specific packages, run the following command:

      Setup.exe /uninstall /silent /instance InstanceNNN /packagelist ID_list


      • InstanceNNN is the name of the instance from where you want to uninstall the software. If you only have one instance installed on the client, then specify Instance001.

      • ID_list represents the ID of the packages that you want to uninstall (use a comma to separate each ID). To view the IDs of the packages that are installed on the client, open the Registry Editor and then expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVaultSystems\Galaxy\InstanceNNN\InstalledPackages folder. You will find subfolders with ID numbers as their names. Click on one of the folders, and on the right pane you'll find the package name associated with the ID.

    • To uninstall all packages locally, run the following command:

      Setup.exe /uninstall /silent /instance InstanceNNN /local

    For a list of installer error codes, see Installer Error Codes.

What to Do Next

  • If the client did not communicate with the CommServe computer, you must deconfigure the client (that is, release the licenses used by the client) from the CommCell Console. For more information, see Releasing a License (Deconfiguration).

  • If you uninstalled the DB2 agent and you cannot connect to the DB2 production database, see the KB article INS0020: Failed to Connect to the DB2 Production Database to troubleshoot the error.

  • You can continue to browse the client data and perform out-of-place restores. However, if you no longer need the client data, you can delete the client from the CommCell Console. For more information, see Deleting a Client Computer.